Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,195
April 20, 2024
Around a million years ago Michael Rubinstein created a move that makes two ordinary coins look like they are magnetically attracted to each other. Many of the magicians he has shown it to couldn’t believe that the two coins were not magnets. Over the years he created several routines using that principle and he just released the best and easiest version.
►Magnetic Coins:
A quick routine that does not use magnets! Perfect for walk-around, table hopping, or just amaze your friends. No set up needed, and you can immediately repeat.
Two half dollars are examined. Rub them on your sleeve, and suddenly they become magnetic and stick together! Rub harder, and they become inseparable! No one can unlink them until you pass them over a flame from a lighter (or touch them with a key/coin), causing the bond to be instantly broken.
Everything can be immediately examined, and you are left clean.
Watch and buy: HERE
►All Out Magic:
This is more than just a card trick. It is a book (and some gimmicks to simplify life for the variants) that teaches an entire system and its applications to card magic and mentalism.
The basic routine involves introducing two decks of cards. You hand one deck to your spectator while you explain that the second deck contains a single card with an X on it. The spectator then deals cards face-up on the table and stops dealing anytime they want. The card they stopped at matches the card with an X on it that is in the second deck.
All Out Magic is a book of hands-off mental card magic. There are many variations and applications using Steve’s combination of principles that you will learn as you progress through the book.
Get a copy: HERE
►Level Up:
You can now perform classic coin magic with game cartridges (SD cards). Transpositions, transformations, and more are all possible with these specially designed props, which bring some of the best close-up magic into the modern era.
You introduce a small, hard-sided case that holds game cartridges from one of the most popular gaming devices on the planet. You select a couple of cartridges and proceed to perform a flurry of transpositions. Cartridges jump from hand to hand, changing places even though your spectator is holding them. The labels transform colors. At the end, you can even hand the cartridges out to be examined.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Traits & Emotions:
This routine begins with having your friend think of any person that they know something about. It could be a friend, a relative, an acquaintance or someone famous.
You then show them ten cards which have a list of 100 different human characteristics. You have them find a characteristic that reminds them of the person they are thinking of.
After a little byplay you will know the word they are thinking of, and you can reveal it anyway you like.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Pocket Nightmare:
One of Max Maven’s signature routines, which he has been using to fool magicians and laypeople, is what is now called Pocket Nightmare.
The basic routine: You tell your audience that you will perform an effect with only one hand, to make sure that everyone knows that sleight-of-hand is not possible. The other hand is placed in your pocket. The spectator peeks at a card in the deck. You are then able to divine the card that the spectator is only thinking of.
The deck is then given to the spectator who is invited to search through the deck for their card only to discover that it completely vanished. You said you would do the trick with only one hand, but you did not specify which hand. You remove your other hand from your pocket holding the vanished selection.
Watch and buy: HERE
You begin by showing a full deck of cards and having someone name any card. You then remove their card and its mates and have a spectator mix up the four cards.
You then pick their card out of the four and explain that it was easy since the other three are now blank. Is a matter of fact, the entire deck is now blank, and everything is examinable.
Watch and buy: HERE
►April 24-27: Performing, displaying, and attending the 4F Convention in Buffalo, NY.
►April 28: Displaying at the MAWNY Convention in Buffalo, NY. Info: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I don’t plan on sending a newsletter on Wednesday as I will be shuffling off to Buffalo. When I get back you can expect some exclusives you never knew existed. In very limited quantities.
“It hardly seems necessary to say that a sleight is not intended to be employed for the mystification its execution affords, but rather as a subtle artifice secretly employed to bring about a magical climax.”
…Arthur Buckley (Card Control, 1946)