Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,046
September 28, 2022
I like devious and clever methods, and this is very clever. The internal, hidden, method is complicated but the performance of it is surprisingly simple, with very little to remember and do on your part.
Once you know what two-digit number the spectator names, or thinks of, it becomes easy to arrange the tiles to reveal the number. You can even shine a flashlight through the tiles and have it projected on a wall. Read and watch all about it:
►Light Year:
The basic effect has you ask someone to name a two-digit number, then immediately display that named number in holes that have been permanently drilled through solid acrylic plates. The plates can be given out for examination, and the spectators will not be able to create any numbers with them.
The tutorial explains the simple procedure used to orient the tiles in order to display any two-digit number (without zeros). There are no moving parts, no flaps, magnets, or extra tiles. There is nothing to switch or ditch. These precision-engineered gimmicks make this easy to use and you can immediately repeat the routine with different numbers.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Rubik Cube Shell Set:
This is a Rubik Cube shell that fits over a standard cube that is included with the set. The tutorial (which is in Japanese) shows you how to handle the shell and the cube and some basic routines.
This is really a utility device you can use for many different routines since the shell comes blank and you are given stickers to assemble it anyway you like. You can use it for a quick solve, a prediction, a vanish, an appearance, or the many other routines invented for shells both with cubes and other objects.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Diamond Cutter:
A card selected and lost in the deck. You snap her fingers and triumphantly reveal… the wrong card!
It’s the five of diamonds, though the chosen card was the three of diamonds… so close!
To fix the situation, you tear off the bottom two diamonds leaving three diamonds on the torn card, but the index, of course, remains a five.
Then, in an impossible moment, you rub the index of the card, and the five transforms into a three, leaving the torn card with the correct index and number of pips even though the complete face was shown as a five just a moment ago. Everything is examinable.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Out of curiosity, can anyone reading this help me make my Wikipedia page?
PPS: Don’t forget to read the new magic quotes feature at the end of the newsletter.

“A good trick is loved by everyone, and there are few forms of entertainment in which a reasonable efficiency can be achieved with so little trouble.” … J.C. Cannell (The Hundred Best Tricks, 1932)