Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,135
September 9, 2023
Today I will introduce you to the routine I performed most often at the recent Vegas convention and eventually sold out of the ones I brought. Throughout the convention people were constantly coming to the booth asking to see the “Jellybean Trick” which their friends were sending them to see.
I enjoyed performing this 100+ times in four days because of the surprise reactions I was getting when people were finding their initials on the prediction they fished out of a jar of Jellybeans.
You can watch a live performance from the convention: HERE
►Sweet Prediction:
It is a borrowed and signed coin to impossible location routine that is disguised as a game with a prize and a prediction. The appearance of the signed coin comes as a total surprise.
It is extremely easy to do and open to different types of presentations. The bag with the jar inside can also be kept in full view during the entire routine. You can also use the jar to load billets with predictions. Instead of candy you can fill the jar with anything you like (except liquids or powders).
Watch and buy: HERE
►Sleightly Absurd:
Sleightly Absurd is a journey through the mind of a mastermind–Charlie Frye. Within its pages, you’ll find a slew of the secrets he has developed, refined, and performed over some four decades on six continents, as a professional entertainer on stages the world over.
You will learn the ins, outs, and inside outs of more than fifty fantastic feats, each mined from the mind of this peerless prestidigitator.
The work is rounded out with an uproariously funny memoir and a series of thought-provoking essays on character development, practice, and other practical matters for the modern mystery entertainer, and all others who take their art more seriously than themselves.
Watch and buy: HERE
John Bannon brings his devious card magic talents to bear on mentalism and mental magic with playing cards. John is known for constructing layered, easy-to-do effects with playing cards. These routines are no exception.
Despite this particular focus, Mentalissimo is aimed at mentalists and magicians, amateurs and professionals, who like finely-crafted, practical, and commercial demonstrations of psychic phenomena.
Get a copy: HERE
►Destination Zero:
John Bannon presents twenty-five new self-working card routines. Not your typical non-sleight-of-hand tricks, Bannon has thoroughly analyzed these effects and backed up subtle principles with the careful, layered construction he is known for.
All with regular cards, without gaffs, crimps, pencil dots, “punches,” or marks. These highly-refined constructions will change the way you think about self-working card magic.
Get a copy: HERE
►Meaningful Conjuring:
Ed Solomon, who was also known as DeNomolos, was a master storyteller who used magic to emphasize the point or moral of his stories. He wanted his magic to appeal to the intellect and touch the soul of his audiences, or as he put it: “People may not remember my name or the magic that I performed, but they will remember how it made them feel.”
Between 2004 and 2015 Ed wrote 125 columns in The Linking Ring magazine that featured short stories that used simple magic to highlight their messages. All those columns are included in this book along with some bonus tricks, essays, and more.
If you ever wanted to elevate your magic from just being a series of puzzles into meaningful moments of magic, this book may inspire you to think along those lines.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Sunday Sep 10: Performing at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino. Tickets: HERE
►Friday Sep 16, 9:30pm: Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW.
►Friday Sep 29, 1pm: Show and interview on Inside The Magician’s Studio. Info: HERE
►Friday Sep 29: Performing at the Magical Mystery Lounge in New Jersey. Info: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Coincidentally, Craig Petty who bought two Sweet Predictions, just reviewed it. The review begins at around 5-minutes: HERE
“Some beginners in the art feel disappointed because no trick is perfect. If there were such a thing as a perfect trick, there would be no satisfaction in performing it.”
…Walter Gibson (Howard Thurston 200 Tricks You Can Do, 1926)