Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,009
April 23, 2022
In the last newsletter I mentioned that I will be on TV next week. A while ago I recorded a segment for a reality show that has been airing all over Europe, India, Africa, pretty much everywhere but here. The world has seen the half-hour version but the one-hour version of the show will air this Thursday at 10am ET on the Discovery Chanel.

It is called Billy Buys Brooklyn. Episode 13 is a magic themed episode. The magician is Joshua Jay, I will be an expert in a different field but will mention Herb Zarrow, Bill Gusias, Owens Magic, and more.
One day I will tell the ironic story of how this came about, but a big thanks goes to Eric Dittleman and Marc DeSouza.
By the way, the next day on the 29th the show will move to Discovery+ where it will remain in streaming ether forever.
Just received a shipment of the Ionia book that was researched and written by one of my oldest friends in Magic. When I met Charles Greene, we were both teenagers, his goto trick back then was an Okito Box routine with an alien theme.
He has since become a very successful trade show magician and collector. In recent years he focused his energy (obsession) into a project of uncovering the life and secrets of Ionia and the De Vere family. It is a fascinating story about a very successful illusionist in the early 1900s that has never been told.
►Ionia: Magician Princess, Secrets Unlocked:
This book is a passion project by Charles Greene. He has spent years researching, interviewing, and uncovering never before known facts about a little known, but very popular in her time, magician: Ionia whose real name was Clementine de Vere and was the youngest daughter of magicians Charles de Vere and Okita (Julia Ferrett).
Discover the complete story of Ionia, Charles de Vere, Julia Ferrett, and the family de Vere. See rare programs, touring schedules, unique photos, archived Russian, Belgian, and American government documents, and all of Ionia’s known posters. Ionia was an enigma wrapped in a mystery. Unlock her secrets.
Get a copy: HERE
►Almost Real Magic:
This is a clever handling of a Joe Riding routine that Obie liked so much he purchased the marketing rights to.
It begins as an observation test using four jumbo cards, where the spectator has to keep track of two black cards and two red cards. Magically the cards keep changing places. Until the end where all the cards are shown to be red.
It is a quick packet trick using jumbo cards and a surprise ending. Only sleight used is the Elmsley Count.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Kolossal Kolored Kards:
It is a quick packet trick using jumbo cards and a surprise ending.
The basic routine is of cards impossibly turning face up and face down and at the end all the cards are shown to have different colored backs.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Was planning on releasing two new items today but got tied up with other projects. Hopefully in Wednesday’s newsletter.