Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #941
June 26, 2021
Today I want to introduce you to the second product from the Todd Karr line I mentioned last week. It is a nice simple routine that I liked playing with but was not sure if people would like it until I performed it, it got terrific reactions as people were laughing and really enjoying it.
This is a classic case of “the whole being larger than the sum of its parts.” As magicians we often miss (I know I do) how much the premise of a routine can have an underlying impact on an audience member regardless of the simplicity of effect or method.
Once you try it you will see that it gets better reactions than expected. Watch the trailer: HERE
►Hollywood Confidential:
A commercial, ultra-clean routine that predicts if your spectator will travel to Hollywood and end up either a Famous Celebrity…or a Washed-up Has-been!
Naturally, you tell them that they’re destined to be an A-List Star!
Thanks to a super-direct force concept, your spectators will all end up celebs… 100% of the time!
You simply lay out a row of elegant cards printed with the various destinies that might await in Tinseltown. Will they find fame? Fortune? Love?
The lush red cards look like a red carpet, welcoming your volunteer.
The spectator names a number. That’s it.
Before they look at the fate that lies ahead in Movieland, you show the other cards and the terrible fates they narrowly avoided: prison, rehab, waitressing, poverty, failed plastic surgery, and more hilarious shames.
Every one of the destinies you show is comically dismal!
Except…perhaps their card. You turn it over, and as you assured them, it says all their dreams will come true and they’ll be a huge star.
Watch and buy: HERE
►David Roth’s Eraser Coin Tips:
Greg Glau shared a great idea that he uses with his Eraser Coin. Instead of an eraser that David uses, or the finger that I use he bought one of those “Magic Erasers” that are part of the Mr. Clean product line in the US (remember I did a joke about them in my virtual lectures last year?).
In Greg’s own words: “I use a ‘magic sponge’ and show the magic sponge box and a sponge, talk about how they work great cleaning kitchen pots and pans and stoves and sinks… they’re really strong. But you have to be careful; here’s what I mean… and so the routine.”
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Working hard on the next David Roth release which features a type of coin that I don’t think has ever been available before. And we are manufacturing them from scratch.