Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #213
August 25, 2008
TV Magic Guide Updates
On TV this week are new Criss Angel Mindfreak episodes and reruns of Lance Burton’s appearance on the View and Criss Angel’s appearance on the Late Late show.
Believe it or not starting this week there are two new magic series beginning to air. And they are not from the United States. One is from England and the other from Pakistan. If you get digital cable you should be able to see “Freaky” and “King Of Street Magic.” As usual there is lots more on TV so check it out.
MyMagic Updates
Just got in two excellent magic items: Chris Kenworthey’s TeleThought Wallet and Jamie Badman & Collin Miller’s Heirloom.
CLICK HERE: For all the latest Magic releases.
MagicTimes Updates
All over the news this week are stories about David Blaine’s upcoming 2-hour television special and the accompanying stunt where he will spend 60 hours walking upside down using magnetic boots.
MyMagic eBay Store:
Added many new items this week including an autographed Billy McComb book from the 1940s. There currently are around 90 items on the site. So please check it out. Many of these items cannot be found anywhere else and once they are gone – that’s it.
CLICK HERE: To visit our eBay store.
MyMagic DVD Updates
DVDs added to our inventory this week:
• Michel’s The Invisible Hand 3-Disc DVD Set
• Ton Onosaka’s Royal Flush Tonte DVD
• Nathan Kranzo’s Pimpin DVD
• Peter Nardi’s ESPerfect The Project DVD
• Bob Sheets & Dan Garrett’s Grab That Pinhead DVD
• Curtis Kam’s Palms Of Steel 4: Cashablanca DVD
• Reel Magic Quarterly Episode Six DVD
CLICK HERE: For all the latest DVD releases.
Michel’s The Invisible Hand 3-Disc DVD Set
Michel is one of the best Hold-Out workers around. He has been streamlining his routines since 1976 and this DVD set is the result of those thirty years of work and research. On this DVD set teaches you 29 astonishing effects and everything you need to know about it’s uses, preparations and adjustments.
Volume One: You’ll see the history of the Hold Out and the background of the Invisible Hand. You’ll see the legendary Kepplinger, an original Jack Miller Hold Out and other models. Furthermore, you’ll find a detailed description of The Invisible hand, setting, basic moves and advanced techniques and subtleties. Finally you’ll watch and learn “The Silk Story.”
Volume Two: You’ll learn in detail more than ten powerful parlor routines. These are professional and audience tested routines. Watch and learn amazing and wonderful version of Rising Card, Cut and Restored Rope, Bending Spoon, Dancing Silk, Bill in Pen, Newspaper Test and many more.
Volume Three: The third DVD explains incredible stage and close up effects. Moreover you’ll find a unique version of the famous Vanishing Birdcage in which the magician takes off his coat in front of the audience after the vanishing.