Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #212
August 18, 2008
Wanted to give all of you a heads up regarding the new edition of the classic Stars Of Magic Book. Many have pre-ordered at the IBM/SAM convention and from my website. I will get a few cases of advance copies from the printer and expect to ship them to everyone who per-ordered next Monday Aug. 25. I still have around 20 copies left if you want to be among the first to get them. A truck with the balance of the books is expected to arrive here around a week later.
I am very proud of this new edition as it is by far the nicest looking version of the classic.
TV Magic Guide Updates
On TV this week are some new Criss Angel Mindfreak episodes plus a bunch of reruns. You can also catch: Spooky House, Law & Order: Vanishing Act, Las Vegas – Decks And Violence, Terror Train, Magnificent Obsessions – Houdini, Sesame Street – Max The Magician, The Illusionist, The Prestige, Lord Of Illusions, Scoop, Nightmare Alley and much more.
MyMagic eBay Store:
Our new ebay store has been doing some brisk business this past week. We keep adding collectible magic and other fun stuff – mostly at very reasonable prices. At the moment we have 75 items in the store – please check it out – even if you don’t buy you will enjoy seeing the stuff you used to own when you were a kid.
CLICK HERE: To visit our eBay store.
The best and most influential book on Close-Up Magic is back.
If you have not read and learned the magic contained in this book you have no business calling yourself a close-up magician. The magic by John Scarne, Dai Vernon, Bert Allerton, S. Leo Horowitz, Emil Jarrow, Francis Carlyle, Dr. Jacob Daley, Tony Slydini, Ross Bertram, Nate Leipzig, and Max Malini helped shape the art of close-up magic as we know it.
It has often been said that mastering the magic in this book will make you an accomplished close-up and sleight-of-hand artist. In many ways it contains all the magic you need to build a professional caliber repertoire. Many have earned a living performing these routines and now you can too.
The finest edition of the Stars Of Magic ever offered. 41 incredible routines, 11 incredible artists, 378 professionally enhanced photographs, 176 pages, hardcover. Features a new historical introduction and a bonus section with private correspondence related to the Stars Of Magic.
CLICK HERE: For more information and to purchase.