Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #921
April 14, 2021
Do you remember that a few newsletters ago, I explained part of my routine for The Whole Thing that was just re-released? I mentioned that somewhere there are photos of me performing it when I was very young, but could not find them?

Well, I received an email from George Schindler threatening to blackmail me with those photos. I don’t know how he was able to find one, scan it and send it to me… I guess if you want anything done you need to find someone in their 90s to help you.
So here it is. I am beating him to the punch. I am performing my version of Larry West’s The Whole Thing. Notice the final display.
You can watch Daryl perform the entire routine and buy the stage version, for a lot less than what it cost me to make my set some 40 years ago: HERE
The new routine I am offering below has been getting a lot of play lately. On the outside of the box it says, “Fully Examinable.” It reminded me of when people used ask me after seeing a demo, if the trick was examinable. They only asked that when they knew it was not. My sarcastic comeback used to be, “Sure… If you don’t mind them finding out how it is done.”
It made me think that there are many props that are handleable by the spectator during or after a performance. But are they really examinable? If they start pulling, shaking, or even throwing them against a wall, will they find something? Of course, you can have audience management or counterintuitive mechanisms, but does that make it examinable?
I guess it is a grey area. I would not call the next item, “Fully Examinable.” It is however handleable and I doubt anyone would take it apart to look for the method. Nicholas Lawrence is talented, creative, and came up with a very clever method for a very good trick. He teaches several different routines and handlings, but my favorite is where you show a mini-card box, you shove a pen through its center and then show that inside the box was a solid and working Zippo lighter… That is handleable.
Plasma is a cleverly designed Zippo lighter which you can push a borrowed pen, pencil, cigarette, or similar items through its center.
You are taught three different routines you can use it for: Wrap the lighter with a paper or tissue and push a pencil through it, do it out in the open without any cover, or you can perform the now classic routine where you push a pen through a small box and when the box is opened a solid lighter is found inside.
The lighter can be used as a real lighter for smokers or to ignite flash paper. The lighter can also be handled and used by a spectator after the performance.
Watch and buy: HERE

I have 16 items at auction that are expiring on Sunday night that I think you might like. Some will surprise you. They come from the estates of Ron Wohl, Sol Stone, and Whitney Houston!
►Direct auction link: HERE
►MyMagic eBay Store: HERE
Stay safe, Meir
PS: The answer to last week’s PS is that I used a thesaurus to find synonyms for center and cardinal was the best choice.