Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,037
August 24, 2022
Every collector/accumulator must make choices of what to hunt for before they become hoarders (too late for me) but I did make certain decisions about two of my collections. As you may remember I collect finger choppers and money makers.
The choice I made a long time ago was to collect variations as opposed to variants.
The difference for me is that the variations must have a substantial difference in design or method from the standard versions. I am particularly interested in clever methods and today I will introduce you to a very clever method and design of a Tenyo finger chopper. You will likely be fooled by the trailer I made: HERE
►Smart Guillotine:
A unique and new method for the Finger Chopper plot involves a clear stand and black sheet of plastic.
You can place your finger, a rolled-up bill, or any similar sized object into the hole in the clear stand then lower a plastic blade into the stand, so it seemingly penetrates your finger.
You can then remove the blade and show that your finger is undamaged.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Blank Coins Routines:
In 1998 David Roth introduced the blank coins concept to magic. The idea was that blank coins can magically transform into any coin you want. Since that time, he continued to innovate, improve, and change his original routine. Along the way he also created some new techniques to facilitate the magic.
The video tutorial, that is included with this coin set, features David performing his original routine and the final version he decided to release. You will also learn Dr. Michael Rubinstein’s routine and some ideas by Meir Yedid.
Watch and buy: HERE
With the cell phone as the number one means of instant communication, performing magic over the phone is an excellent way for magicians to share their magic.
Imagine having a card secretly selected, placed back in the deck, then shuffled, and you reveal the chosen card. You can also have a pair of imaginary dice rolled and be able to tell the chosen number. There is even a gambling routine where the spectator deals himself the winning hand without realizing it. Also includes a revised bonus trick from the legendary John Scarne and the introduction to the JDH Principle, a new magic method that is being revealed for the first time.
Get your autographed copy: HERE
►Oh No!:
You display a small box with built in scissors and a tube down the center. You place your finger (or any similarly shaped object like a borrowed pen) into the tube from underneath so it protrudes from the top of the tube.
The scissors are then used to apparently cut through your finger and as a convincer you lift half the tube to show that the middle of the finger is completely gone even though the fingertip sticking out of the tube is still there and wiggling.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Rainbow Rubber Bands:
Professional performance rubber bands for the discerning magician. This combo pack includes a quarter of a pound of rubber bands that come in seven different colors. These specially produced rubber bands will help make your magic easier to see and easier to perform.
Each band is coated with Elastraflex which makes the bands stronger and less likely to break during performance, they are also able to stretch further than normal bands and continue to stay shiny.
Get a bag: HERE
Also back in Stock:
►Executive Rubber Bands: HERE
►Legend Rubber Bands: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Everyone who pre-paid for the Martin Lewis Deluxe Books. My shipment is on its way and should get here on Monday, I will immediately ship it to you and get you the tracking.