Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #936
June 9, 2021
Both versions of Michael Rubinstein’s new Migrate routine sold out quickly last week, but the good news is that he will delivering another batch on Sunday. If you missed out before, you could sign up for notifications: HERE
Last weekend I was at a party and performed my version of David Roth’s Eraser Coin while a friend of mine recorded it.
I have been told that my version is not as good as David’s because I do not use the eraser. I happen to agree, but it fits me and it is the way I have done it for 30+ years.
I thought you would like to see a live performance in a real environment with conversations going on in the background.
You can watch the one-minute show: HERE
You can still get an Eraser Coin: HERE
I have seen Rocco use his Flipp Tipp many times over the years and in his hands, the appearances, vanishes, and transpositions are magical. Especially the appearances. It is now available again with some new applications. Take a look…
►Flipp Tipp:
The Flipp Tipp is basically a special Thumb Tip that allows you to produce the vanished object without taking off the tip. This feature allows for visual appearances in addition to the standard vanishes that the standard TT is known for.
You can perform routines, and sequences that would be cumbersome with a regular TT while still allowing you to perform most of the usual TT routines.
Watch and buy: HERE
I like simple illusions that replicate real things that people can relate to and end with an impossible surprise. You will likely figure out how this works when you watch the trailer, but it is still nice, and examinable at the end.
►Rubber Sharpie Illusion:
You display two Sharpie markers, giving one to a spectator to follow your actions with.
As you wave the Sharpie in your hand it creates an optical illusion that makes it look like it is bending. The spectator does the same and seemingly creates the same illusion.
But when you slow down the wave, your Sharpie retains its bend and can be given out for examination.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Back In Stock:
►Double Decker Forcing Deck: HERE
►Rainbow Rubber Bands: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Some of you wondered who Black Rabbit Magic is after my announcement last week. All will be revealed in around two weeks.