Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #931
May 22, 2021
Most of the long-time readers of this newsletter know my fondness for multiple out routines. It gives you a level of fairness that is difficult to replicate with direct forces.
The other reason I like those types of routines is that they force you think about what is happening and as actors and comedians like to say… be in the moment.
It also keeps the routines fresh because it is slightly different every time you perform it and even if you are a bad actor this focuses you, and can make you appear like you know what you are doing.
As you may have guessed, the item I am introducing you to today uses outs, outs you will be familiar with, but this version can be made to appear impromptu.
Contactless takes a classic mentalism routine and brings it up to date using objects that you would naturally carry in your wallet, which makes it look and feel totally impromptu.
It is designed to work with your own ID cards, credit, cards, business cards, membership cards, transit cards, store cards, or any card that makes sense for you.
Watch and buy: HERE
The next item is one you probably never thought you needed. But if you like to occasionally ignite flash paper for impact to a routine or just show off your magical powers, this could be for you. It is a flash paper dispenser that can attach to your belt or anything else for that matter. I got a great deal on these and am passing the savings to you.
►Flash Ninja:
Flash Ninja is a flash paper dispenser that can be hidden in your pocket, attached to your belt, or even inside a magic prop.
It is loaded with paper from a flash pad that needs to be folded in a V-formation so when you remove one a second one pops out and takes its place. The same way a tissue dispenser works.
Watch and buy: HERE

Added a few more fun things to my eBay auction that expire on Sunday night. You might want some of them.
►Direct auction link: HERE
►MyMagic eBay Store: HERE
Stay safe, Meir
PS: The next two SAM Conventions (2022 and 2023) will be held at casinos. I will gamble by having a booth at both. A scoop… I will also be Emceeing one of the evening shows at the 2022 Vegas Convention.