Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,186
March 20, 2024
For the past few years, I have been opening my stage act with a microphone which turns out to be a magic wand and a clown nose. Then I casually use the wand to make the clown nose vanish.
The trick below has nothing to do with that except that the rechargeable flash unit that it comes with it will make a perfect magic wand for my opening where a bright flash of light will highlight the vanishing of the clown nose (sponge ball with a slit). Can’t wait to try it out in my next show.
►Candy Flash:
This is a rechargeable portable flash unit in the shape of a roll of candies that is used to vanish a piece of candy in a flash of light. Once vanished, the candy can be reproduced anywhere you like.
The flash unit can also be disguised as other objects and used to create a bright flash of light when needed to create a magical moment.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Super Business Card Holder:
This is an improved smaller version of the original Super Wallet that was made specifically for playing cards and business cards. And it looks as good live as it does on the trailer.
The most basic effect is to pull out a blank card three-quarters out of your wallet, give it a flick and the blank card visually changes into the selected card or your business card, a prediction card, or any card of that size.
Watch and buy: HERE
Every shippable purchase during March gets a FREE Magical Gift Card. More info in a previous newsletter: HERE
Michael Rubinstein visited me last week and delivered more of his Migrate routine and The Other Hand which he performed on Fool-Us. He is also working on getting me more autographed copies of his book.
The main reason for the visit was to show me his next two releases. Both should be ready in around three weeks.
I also just received another shipment of DIE which is probably one of the most underrated releases from last year.
►The Other Hand:
Dr. Michael Rubinstein performed “The Other Hand,” his new coin plot, on season nine of Penn & Teller: Fool-Us. You saw him perform a five-minute showpiece.
After recording the formal TV version of the routine, he decided to continue refining the routine and eventually created a close-up version that is shorter, more direct, and easier to do. The new close-up version uses the same props but is streamlined for more intimate performances.
Watch and buy: HERE
It is a comedic, coins across, routine that is full of puns and new techniques.
Although it does not use any gaffs it does use some unique, attention getting, and funny props. Unlike most coins across routines that last less than a minute this is designed as a three-minute showpiece that is themed around bears!
Watching the trailer will give you an idea of the routine and the built-in comedy.
Watch and buy: HERE
►DIE: Dice Influence Everyone:
PPDs are Portable Paper Dice which are basically a coated playing card that can be folded to look like a die.
The basic effect using this unique prop involves a spectator rolling the paper die three times to form a number which is used to find a card.
To prove that the die influenced all their decisions, the paper die is unfolded to show a duplicate of the selected card.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Brain Bogglers:
For many years Meir Yedid has been opening his stage, parlor, and formal close-up shows with a series of three optical illusions/brain twisters where he explains how magic works. The premise is that we tell you the truth, but your brain lies to you.
The three optical illusions/brain twisters are the standard Word Skipping Illusion, Cornsweet Illusion, and Thatcher illusion, although they have been modified to optimize the live presentations and make them more interesting.
Watch and buy: HERE
►eBay Update:
Please visit my eBay store and auction for some cool and not so cool magic items. I keep trying to add more stuff every few days.
►Direct link to auctions: HERE
►Direct link to the MyMagic eBay store: HERE
►April 7: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: If you collect magician’s autographs you should look at my eBay store where there are tons of them for very little money.
“The idea is to entertain an audience, as well as yourself.”
…Bob Longe (Giant Book Of Card Tricks, 2003)