Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,259
December 14, 2024
Since I released the Dan Garrett Does The US & UK PDF I have been working on his Faustus Ring Routine. After all, this was the routine that he performed most often and the routine that helped make him popular in the magic community.
Since I have a hand injury, I often have to change the way I do routines of this type, so all the focus is on the left hand instead of the right. It is basically a combination of doing things as a lefty and finding excuses to keep the right hand in a partial fist.
It is a three-phase routine, so I spent one day per phase and a fourth day putting it all together. Was very happy with the results, then I realized that I own the rights to a video where he performs and teaches the entire routine. Watching it improved everything I was doing since the video included many valuable tips. The video download is available below.
Before working on it I had to decide what type of ring to use and how to justify using my own ring. I used to do a ring and string routine when I used to tablehop but that was a long time ago and am no longer comfortable borrowing rings from people.
It had to be a conversation starter, so I decided to use one of those rings that are made out of coins (although the one I decided to use only looks like it was made of a real coin) and I was also able to find a small supply that I can offer you below. Hope you have as much fun as me working on this.
►Faustus Ring Routine:
This was one of the routines that ignited Dan Garrett’s career. It was a routine that he performed thousands of times for magicians and laypeople alike. It was one of his favorite close-up routines for informal situations, walk-around, and table-hopping performances.
It is a quick three-phase routine using an ordinary rope and a borrowed finger ring. The first two phases are impossible looking penetrations of the ring coming off a rope after it is threaded on. The final penetration works in reverse where, after being removed from the rope, the ring jumps back on in an impossible seeming visual that fools, surprises, and impresses everyone.
Watch and buy: HERE

►Morgan Coin Ring:
This is an attractive finger ring that looks like it was made from a Morgan Sliver Dollar.
It was cast, so no coins were injured in the making of this ring. It can of course be worn as a finger ring, but it is also ideal for magic tricks that use rings. What makes it useful for magic is that you begin by showing the unique ring, explaining what it represents and then go into your magic. It is basically a conversation starter and an excuse to show some ring magic.
Get one: HERE
It is an impossible routine that can be performed as a stand-alone piece or as part of a longer coin set.
The basic routine involves two coins. A Kennedy Half Dollar, a copper English Penny and a see-through glass plate.
Your friend holds the glass plate between their hands as you balance the two coins on your fingertips. You place your hand with the coins under the plate so all can be seen. In an instant one of the coins penetrates the plate so there is only one coin under the plate while the other is sitting on top of the plate.
Watch and buy: HERE
December 2017 was my first appearance in Jim Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at the Comix nightclub in the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut (the second largest casino in the United States).
This Sunday I will be celebrating my seventh anniversary of opening for Jim and in January I will be starting my eighth year.
Thanx to Jim’s generosity in sharing his stage I was able to grow as a stage performer and create many new routines, jokes, and gags. Thank you, Jim.
►DECEMBER 15: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
►JANUARY 19: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Hope to see some of you at the casino on Sunday.
“One key to getting organized is learning to make a quick decision instead of agonizing over things and perhaps even putting off making the decision altogether.”
…The Amazing Kreskin (Mind Control System, 2005)