Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #764
June 15, 2019
During last month’s Dealer Showcases I sold out of one of my best-selling items and had to make more. Since the cost of making them had risen the dilemma was; do I raise the price or keep the price the same and stop selling to distributors?

Let me tell you a little about my routine Fadeout. Many years ago, there was a small private card convention in NYC where everyone had to present magic using blank cards. One of the routines I came up with was Fadeout. It was an expanded variation of a routine Marshall Brodien taught me. His routine, which he later published in Genii, was actually a variation of a routine Joe Berg taught him.
Anyway, I performed and explained my Fadeout and after the show Max Maven and I were discussing it and he suggested I market it. I was hesitant explaining; why would anyone buy a trick deck they can make themselves.
Around a month later I was bored on a four-hour bus ride through England and decided to work on my laptop. Max’s words popped into my head and I decided to write up the instructions to Fadeout. If I didn’t write it down, I would have never remembered it. I am a horrible note taker.
So around 10 years later I had to put together an all-new lecture and decided to include it on my lecture video (Published & Unpublished). I also decided to make up a few decks incase anyone wanted them. I was shocked at how fast I sold the decks and how many people I fooled with the routine. So, at the next lecture (the big one that this lecture was for) I decide to take 50 decks and I sold them all. The rest is history.
You never know what idea is going to hit. You never know what insignificant moment in your life can change everything.
I decided to keep the price low and only sell it through a few of the dealers I have a relationship with. I also have it available in red and blue Bicycle cards. If you are not familiar with it, you should get it. You will like it.
Watch and buy: HERE.

It is also taught on my Published & Unpublished lecture video which is available both as a download and on DVD.
Download: HERE.
There is basically one move in the routine that I came up with when I was a teenager and it was first explained in my routine Thirteen Less One which appeared in Harry Lorayne’s Best of Friends (coincidentally that effect became extremely popular, but not my version of it). The idea was to be able to easily reverse any number of cards as you cut the deck.
It used the Braue Reversal as a substitute for a half-pass by expanding the number of cards you hold a break under. Does that make sense?

I forgot to mention that my new TrickTown column was published in the June issue of the Rivertown Magazine. I profile Jim Spinnato and teach the classic Acrobatic Glasses scam. My column appears on pages 104-105.
You can read it: HERE.
Or download it: HERE.
Back in stock:
Winner’s Dice: HERE.
Micro Chop Cup Kit: HERE.
On Sunday the 23rd I will be displaying at Super Sunday in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. The headliner will be Harrison Greenbaum who will present his lecture and then perform the entire evening show. Harrison is smart, creative and extremely funny… I highly recommend you catch his show if you can. For info go: HERE.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagicfacebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.