Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #369
September 9, 2012
The following is an edited down version of what appears on the packaging for Dom Paolino’s P. Cinimod product line which was immensely popular in the 1970s:
At every party, in every big city… there is a shy, lonely person desperate to become the life of the party…
If you can’t sing… dance… or tell jokes, don’t be discouraged.
You can always brighten up the dull spots in your life by purchasing these Fun Miracles.
Yes. Once you own these well-kept secrets, you too may enjoy the thrill of being a Houdini among your friends… the center of attention wherever you are… at home… at parties… at work…Take advantage of this incredible new fun field and enjoy the trick adventure of a lifetime! …Dom Paolino

I recently visited with Dom to discuss the possible purchase of his “P. Cinimod” product line and the equipment from the factory that produced it. Although the negotiations are still ongoing Dom agreed to sell me some prepackaged inventory he found recently. I actually owned many of these when I was a teenage customer at Tannen’s.
One of the things about this line that intrigued me, is not only were the tricks good, but the packaging was way ahead of its time. It was probably the only product line which was sold strictly to magicians that used color graphics at a time when most items were packaged in envelopes.
I asked Dom how he could afford to do that and he laughed. It seems that at some point Disney showed interest in carrying his products at their resort but felt the packaging had to improve for them to carry it. So he decided to spend around $20,000 on the artwork and packaging. Unfortunately Disney decided that magic would not sell well enough for them and backed out. Dom of course now had all of the color packaging ready to go and his product line benefited from the attractive cartoon models that were demonstrating the magic.
I have less than ten products to offer you and only around 20-50 of each in most cases, some much less. These are only being offered to the people on this e-mail list and there will not be any external links to this special page. I am starting with five of the items and will probably add one or two new items a week until they are all gone. I am also trying to keep the price very low, but it will still be much higher than the 1970s prices.
I will also be adding another Jerry’s Nugget deck to my eBay auctions so if you didn’t get the last one you have another chance.
Below is also a neat item I just received from MagicSmith. It is a gimmick that can be used to apparently light any lightblub. Get it before bulbs become extinct or even illegal to own!
Another reminder for anyone near North Carolina. You can catch my show and lecture at the TRICS Convention on September 20-22.
Until next time, Meir