Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,106
May 20, 2023
A few years ago, I was able to offer you some of Ted Bogusta’s Dual Position Coins. Everyone who bought them loved them and what they could do with them.
Ted made a bunch of them for me to take to the 4F convention and now I can offer it to you. They are now available in five different coin types including the elusive Silver Barbers and Franklins.
I have been using my personal set for more than five years, when he originally made a few out of Morgans.
My basic routine with them is: Produce two coins, do a version of the David Roth Deep Palm Tenkai Pennies, produce the third coin, then vanish all of them. Sometimes I start by borrowing a bill, produce the coin from it, and do the routine. At the end I pretend to put the coin back into the bill and give it back to the spectator. They rarely let me keep it as a tip…
►Dual Position Triple Split Coins:
Triple Split sets of thin magnetic coins have become very popular and have apparently been invented or at least popularized by Johnny Wong. They have also replaced the use of shells in many routines.
There have been many versions released by many different companies, but most are basically the same. Until now…
What Ted Bogusta created is a magnetic system he calls Dual Position which uses specially designed and manufactured magnets that allow the magnetic coins to overlap without aligning. This system allows you to place the overlapping coins in your hands, on the table, or even in the spectators’ hands.
The coins are also a little thicker than most which allows them to be shown as full-sized coins as opposed to shims.
Also of note is that we only use real coins as opposed to the counterfeits that our competitors advertise.
Watch and buy: HERE
A few days ago, Craig Petty made an excellent video explaining why Cody Fisher’s Fifty-Two Thoughts is such a great trick. You may remember that I taught that during the first 49 Zoom Lectures I did.
Watch Craig’s video: HERE
►Fifty-Two Thoughts:
An impossible mind reading routine that will stun any audience. Fifty-Two Thoughts is a self-contained routine that fits in your shirt pocket.
Starting with a folded sheet of paper, you make a series of comical predictions that get funnier as the sheet is unfolded.
The gags act as a perfect setup for the next sequence which begins in a comical vein but suddenly becomes absolutely impossible.
The final moments of Fifty-Two Thoughts are almost too strong and impossible looking to believe.
Get one: HERE
►Strolling Smiley:
This is one of the rare, seemingly impromptu routines that puts a smile on people’s faces.
You begin by borrowing a Quarter from someone and drawing a sad face on it while explaining that coins can sometimes reflect the emotions of their owners.
To make the coin feel better by rubbing it, it begins smiling when the sad face changes into a happy one! Another wave, and the coin changes to a very happy grinning face as you hand it back to the person you borrowed it from as a souvenir.
Watch and buy: HERE
►New eBay Auctions:
I have 41 eBay auctions expiring on Sunday night.
Direct link to my eBay auctions: HERE
Direct link to my eBay store: HERE
►Sunday May 21, 12-5pm: Hosting a music festival in Westchester, New York. Tickets: HERE
►Saturday June 10, 8pm: Appearing on the Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW.
Stay happy, Meir
PS: The Music Festival I was supposed to host on Saturday was postponed to Sunday due to bad weather.
“Naturally the conjurers of today have had to keep pace with scientific progress. Many new discoveries made in laboratories quickly find their way to the workshop of the modern illusionist. Inventions in chemistry, electricity, and engineering are seized upon by performers who apply them to new deceptions on the stage and in the drawing room.”
…Fulton Ourseller (Illustrated Magic, 1931).