Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #932
May 26, 2021
I was messing around with Card Shark’s Double Decker forcing deck lately and came up with a simple routine I wanted to share with you.
First let me explain what a double decker is. It is basically a 104-card deck where all the cards are half the thickness of a normal deck, so the 104 cards look like a standard 52-card deck.
The forcing deck is setup, so the top 52 cards are identical, and the face 52 cards are all different.
So here is the routine: You perform this for two spectators who are not sitting next to each other so they cannot see each other’s cards.
You go to the first spectator and spread the face 52 cards to show them to be all different. You then spread the cards face down and have them touch one. Take it out, show it to them and return it to the deck. You can then overhand shuffle the top or bottom 52 cards if you like. You repeat the same sequence with the second spectator. You just forced the same card to both people.
You then use a David Hoy ploy we will call the HoyPloy. You have both spectator’s concentrate on their card as you go through the deck and remove one of the force cards and any other random card. You then show them the two cards and ask them if you got their card. They will both say yes.
I kept out the banter just to teach the trick, but I did want to mention that you must tell the spectators to just think of their card and not to name it out loud. What I found out, the hard way, is that the HoyPloy works great on stage where the spectators are far apart but for close-up and in intimate settings, they will blurt out the card just to be nice to you.
Of course, you can do many other routines using this deck which I was only able to get very few of.
►Double Decker:
This is a deck of thin, half-thickness cards. It contains 104 cards that look exactly like regular cards but are so thin that the 104-card deck is the same thickness as a regular 52-card deck that will fit inside any standard card case.
These are one-way forcing decks which means that the top 52 cards are all the same while the bottom 52 cards are a complete deck of cards that you can spread and show all the faces.
Get one: HERE

Added a few more fun things to my eBay auction that expire on Sunday night. You might want some of them.
►Direct auction link: HERE
►MyMagic eBay Store: HERE
Stay safe, Meir
PS: In the next newsletter I will introduce you to the greatest coin trick in the history of the world! One you will carry with you for the rest of your lives!