Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #928
May 12, 2021
As many of you know I have an affinity for packet tricks. I discussed many times why I like them so I am always on the lookout for something different that I might enjoy showing people. Alakazam recently released a routine with some unique looking cards. Take a look below.
It is also one of the few packet tricks that can be performed for children. The two main kid friendly packet tricks I released can also be seen below.
Funny thing happened when I released my first kid-friendly packet trick is that magicians kept buying multiple sets. It turned out that since my two releases are examinable, a lot of kids smudged and destroyed the cards!
►Doodle Queens:
This is a fun packet trick with multiple changes that can be performed for adults and children.
You show four queens that look like they were drawn by a kid. The drawings magically turn face down one at a time and suddenly one of them changes to a regular queen. As a finale all the cards are shown to be regular queens.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Catch That Tiger:
A card trick that can be performed for children. It is cute magical and examinable.
Three blank cards are shown on both sides. One of the cards is used to catch a Tiger. A spectator traps the Tiger card under their hand, but it disappears. It also left a clue — a footprint. Following the footprints leads you to the Tiger’s new hideout.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Hare Raising Hats:
An animal production you can perform in restaurants!
An ideal card routine for children and family groups. This is an adorable card trick where you produce rabbits from hats, make one of the hats completely disappear and close with a production of a bunch of baby rabbits. Everything is examinable at the end.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Back in stock:
- Plasma: HERE
- Get Sharky: HERE
- Black Door: HERE
- Treasury: HERE
- Verbal Magic: HERE
- Bill Breaker: HERE
- What Happens In Vegas: HERE
- The Collector: HERE
- Swindle: HERE

Added a few more fun things to my eBay auction that expires on Sunday night. You might want some of them.
►Direct auction link: HERE
►MyMagic eBay Store: HERE
Stay safe, Meir
PS: I am currently around five newsletters ahead so I can pay more attention to my upcoming projects… Which are numerous.