Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,288
March 22, 2025
I originally released my Total Destiny routine, which I used to perform often, in 2001. Until that time I used my Predict-Perfect whenever I needed a long form mental-magic routine where I wanted the prediction to match a number that has some significance to the show. Things like birthdays, anniversaries, addresses, phone numbers, lottery numbers, etc.
The main reason I switched from Predict-Perfect to Total Destiny is that I didn’t want to hand stuff to people and then get the items back. I am very time sensitive when I perform and hate to waste people’s time. I rarely do a routine that lasts more than five minutes and most of my routines last less than three minutes.
Thanx to Max Maven Total Destiny can also be customized to just about any reasonable number, much more versatile than Predict-Perfect. What Max liked most about my idea of using a dry-erase board for this mathematical principle is that it destroyed any evidence of method, as the routine progressed, and it also made the addition simpler to follow.
The reason I am re-introducing this routine now is that a couple of weeks ago I had to do a longer show at the Mohegan Sun Casino and I added it to the mentalism section of the show. The show was recorded, the performance was decent, and I am using it as the trailer for the routine so you can see the entire procedure.
Watch it: HERE
►Total Destiny:
You begin by making a prediction. You can write it down in front of the audience, have it on a prerecorded video, a social media post, or mail it to the host of the show in advance. It does not matter since you have full control of the outcome.
You then display a specially designed plastic board with a large grid filled with apparently random numbers.
A spectator names any of the numbers (free choice). It is circled and some of the numbers around it are erased. A second and third spectator each call out a number (free choice) and they too are circled and the numbers around them erased. One un-circled number is now left on the board, and it becomes your free selection.
You add up the four freely selected numbers. The total matches your prediction with 100% accuracy.
Total Destiny can be repeated with an unlimited number of totals. The effect is self-working, learned in minutes, suitable for close-up, stand-up and stage, you will love performing this routine.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Roy Benson By Starlight:
Roy Benson was a legendary magician and comedian who was way ahead of his time. Besides being a magician, he was also a movie actor and musician. He also had appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show and The Tonight Show.
Close-Up magicians know him as the creator of the classic Benson Bowl Routine, stage magicians likely know him as the inventor of the Long Salt Pour, but probably don’t realize that they are using his techniques, routines, and bits for the Chinese Sticks, Miser’s Dream, Linking Rings, Multiplying Billiard Balls, and much more.
This is a monumental book that looks at his life, his career, his magic, his comedy, and so much more. In addition to the new unearthed information and essays the book reprints the very rare “Benson On Magic” booklet and his previously unpublished book “The Second Oldest Profession.” There are more than fifty effects, routines and sleights explained in detail.
Watch and buy: HERE
Total Destiny Application: I also wanted to share an idea by my friend Larry Becker. I am not sure if he ever published it, but he called me one day and wanted two copies of Total Destiny. I asked him why two? He came up with a routine where two of the boards would be glued back-to-back so one side will force the number while the other side will have a pre-written magic square to match the force number. I performed that version a few times and later switched to one of Harry Anderson’s magic squares. I stopped doing it because the combined routine was taking 10-15+ minutes which does not fit my style.
►Keys To Magic’s Inner World:
This book is a window into the history of magic collecting in the United States. You will learn about the earliest collectors and collections as they evolved and morphed into the present industry.
You visit the magic museums and private collections of leaders in this fascinating fellowship across America. Many collections occupy only two or three shelves, a few scrapbooks or a drawer in the owner’s home, while others engulf homes, warehouses, and private museums.
Being a collector is mostly the pleasure of hunting and victory! Collectibles have soared in value. This book offers guidance in choices you can’t afford to miss.
The book also includes many new photographs of collections and collectors that have come into existence or expanded in the last quarter of the century.
Watch and buy: HERE
►APRIL 13: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
►APRIL 23-26: Appearing and displaying at the 4F Magic Convention in Buffalo, NY. Info: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Ted was able to make one more of the Eisenhower/Churchill C/S Sets. The first person to read this can get it: HERE
“Your first challenge as an entertainer, whether on stage or at a party, will be to establish what literary people call suspension of disbelief. Every time we see a play or a film or read a novel, our intellect tells us none of it is real. Yet to enjoy the experience, we must allow ourselves to believe that it is. We put our critical faculties on the shelf.”
…Kreskin (Kreskin’s Fun Way To Mind Expansion, 1984).