Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,256
December 4, 2024
I have always felt that my life is full of coincidences. Not just the finger stuff (but you can read about that: HERE). A series of coincidences happened in August that I keep thinking about.
Around the time that Harry Anderson closed his shop, he got a shipment of the latest printing of his book Games You Can’t Lose. He asked me if I want to buy some. I told him that I would take all of them if he autographed them. I have been selling them ever since. The first convention I decided to take them to was Magic Live in August.
On the flight to Vegas, I had a chance to watch six episodes of the new Night Court’s second season which made references to Harry. At the convention I sold out of the books I brought but as I was doing that, many people saw them and started telling me their Harry stories. On the flight back I watched the other six episodes.
When I got back home, I received an email from one of the directors of the series with some questions. It was basically eight days of Harry Anderson links which ended with me having to contact Elizabeth (his widow).
Ever since that day I have been meaning to write about it and offer all of you an autographed copy of Harry Anderson’s Games You Can’t Lose.
►Games You Can’t Lose:
This funny, smart and totally wicked book unveils the tricks behind the cons, swindles, and wagers that separate fools and their money in streets, bars, carnivals, casinos and racetracks every day. Learn how not to get suckered — or at least how to laugh if you do!
Written by Harry Anderson and Turk Pipkin and first published in 1989 for the general public. This edition was released by Burford Books, Inc. in 2001. An 8.5×5.5-inch, softcover, 162-pages with many illustrations and photographs. Every copy has been hand-autographed by Harry Anderson.
Get a copy: HERE
First the good news: Just got a shipment of Ted Bogusta’s Dual Position Triple Split coins back in stock in several of the variants. As you may remember, I have been offering this exclusive coin set for a few years now and even have a download with the routine I use.
It was the first major advancement in the triple split magnetic coins system. Ted engineered a donut shaped magnet to fit inside, that allowed you to place the coins overlapping in your hand, a spectator’s hand, or on the table, without the magnets squaring up the coins.
Well, his idea, concept, and even the magnet design, and placement has just been stolen and released under the name, “Artisan Super Triple Coin Pro.” The only difference seems to be that they got permission from Johnny Wong to use his idea of using stickers and placed them on Ted Bogusta’s coins! Please support the hand-made originals.

►Dual Position Triple Split:
What Ted Bogusta created is a magnetic system he calls Dual Position which uses specially designed and manufactured magnets that allow the magnetic coins to overlap without aligning. This system allows you to place the overlapping coins in your hands, on the table, or even in the spectators’ hands.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Epic Marked Down:
A classic of mental magic that is expertly routined and scripted as well as redesigned to use minimal props. Three participants are asked to think of different things. You write down what each is thinking of on cards, using marking pens in the color of their choosing! The results are uncanny!
All your predictions match perfectly, and your spectators keep their predictions as souvenirs.
Get the download: HERE
Just got a few more of these. They are foolers that card magicians like and mentalists love.
►Zodiac Coin:
This is an excellent and self-working routine where you apparently read a spectator’s mind by telling them what Zodiac symbol they are thinking of and predict what card they were going to select.
The basic routine (without the procedure) is of having a spectator think of a Zodiac symbol and its number. You then reveal the symbol and show that you predicted the card at the thought-of number.
Watch and buy: HERE
►DECEMBER 15: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: My latest book release is currently being printed; I should have copies soon. A hint, it is a book that previously sold more than 4,000 copies and used copies regularly sell for more than $100. My new edition will only be $25!
PS2: Another coincidence: Harry Anderson and my girlfriend have the same birthday. That is why you often saw us on social media having dinner around that date.
“He [Clayton Rawson] also stresses something too often overlooked – that the best magic should be entertaining as well as mystifying, and that this depends upon dramatic presentation.”
…John Scarne (How To Entertain Children With Magic, 1962)