Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,280
February 26, 2025
I am glad that many of you liked the last newsletter. I was able to get a few more of the Mandrake Coins. If you missed out, you could get some: HERE
I was also able to track down the purpose of those coins. They were manufactured by S.S. Adams in 1941 to be included in a Suchard Chocolate Magic Kit. They are made of steel and then copper plated to look like a penny. More info: HERE
Ted was also able to finish small batches of three best selling coin routines that have been out of stock. Cointemplate, Quadruple Spellbound, and the Japanese edition of the Holesome Coins.
The Quadruple Spellbound and Holesome Coins use our exclusive Japanese Coin sets so you can segue in and out of those routines, along with some of our others.
►Mandrake’s Magic Coin:
This is an original copper colored (US Penny size) coin shell that adheres to a magnet. It was manufactured around 1941 by S.S. Adams for King Features Syndicate, which owned the Mandrake The Magician franchise.
The image on the coin portrays Mandrake holding what appears to be a wand with lightning flying out of it. The writing around the coin is, “Mandrake’s Magic Coin.” Also, in the lower center of the coin is a copyright notice, “© KFS.”
For magic token collectors. This has been cataloged as “Mandrake the Magician MT236.”
Watch and buy: HERE
It is an impossible routine that can be performed as a stand-alone piece or as part of a longer coin set.
The basic routine involves two coins. A Kennedy Half Dollar, a copper English Penny and a see-through glass plate.
Your friend holds the glass plate between their hands as you balance the two coins on your fingertips. You place your hand with the coins under the plate so all can be seen. In an instant one of the coins penetrates the plate so there is only one coin under the plate while the other is sitting on top of the plate.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Quadruple Spellbound:
This was one of Simon Aronson’s favorite routines, that he always carried with him and performed often.
The basic effect: You show an American half dollar. You wave your hand over it, and it changes into a Japanese coin with a hole through it. Wave your hand over the Japanese coin and it changes into a copper English penny. Wave your hand over the penny and it changes into an African coin with a hole in it. As a finale, the African coin changes back into the American half dollar.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Holesome Coins: Japanese Edition:
The basic routine involves three coins. A Japanese coin with a hole in it, a small African coin with a hole in it, and a Walking Liberty silver half dollar. The first phase begins with an impossible single coin transposition, followed by an even more impossible two for one coin transposition, with a final phase where the silver coin jumps back from your pocket, is used to vanish the two other coins, and can be handed out for examination.
Comes complete with a special set of gimmicked coins, matching regular coins, and access to the online video tutorials and as a special bonus you will get an additional tutorial by Meir Yedid.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Meir Yedid Muses:
Since I unearthed a stash of old columns that I wrote for Richard Robinson’s Magic Show, I decided to keep adding them to the MagicTimes website. I hope to add five columns every week or two. As I am reading them, I am realizing that my tastes and writing style have not changed much in all that time. There are sixteen columns up now. Here are the five latest ones. You will find information and photographs that don’t exist anywhere else.
11-Monster Muses: HERE
12-Million Dollar Muses: HERE
13-Mystery Muses: HERE
14-Impossible Muses: HERE
15-Labman Muses: HERE
►The Mouse That Roared:
Dan Garrett’s routine is quick and visual where a small mouse (puppet) runs up and down your arm, fingers, across your shoulders, attacks you, kisses you, interacts with you, bites you, it is fed, and so much more.
This streamlined mouse (originally called Judy The Mouse) does not use any fur or animal products in the manufacture of the puppet. The mouse also includes a small squeaker that is embedded inside, so all the squeaks are self-contained and are not dangerous to use like the original warblers.
Watch and buy: HERE
►MARCH 8: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
►MARCH 16: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: My new book project is at the printers. I hope to be able to release it in 2-3 weeks.
“Many aspects of parapsychology-ESP, the hypnotic trance, clairvoyance, and such-are long overdue for scientific debunking,”
…Kreskin (Kreskin’s Fun Way To Mind Expansion, 1984).