Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,025
July 9, 2022
In the last newsletter I was bragging about having everything that sold-out back in stock with overnight shipping.
Most of those items sold out again, but as I was shipping them, I realized that if I consider my extra shipping costs, I was actually selling some of them for less than what they cost me. So, I reordered them again and they should arrive by the next newsletter.
Until then I want to reintroduce you to the ancient Japanese Coin Slide. I first wrote about them and sold everything I had in minutes. (Read the original newsletter: HERE).
As I was rummaging through Danny Tsukalas’ inventory from his estate, looking through a case of Legacy Panel Boards, which I plan to offer you later this year, I found a small box of the original coin slides. I previously thought that they were manufactured around the 1950s, but I am now reconsidering that date. I now believe they were likely manufactured in the 1930s and possibly earlier.
As I was testing each one to make sure they work I noticed something that I never realized. I always knew that they were hand-painted, but I started noticing that the artwork was also different on each one. The different objects, trees, mountains, houses, boats, etc… were also different in shape, size and location, not just color, which means that each one was also hand-drawn! And there are no two that are identical. If you buy more than one, I will try to send you ones that were obviously made by different artists.
►Japanese Coin Slide:
This is an original vanishing coin slide made of wood and manufactured in Japan probably around the 1930s, possibly earlier. It has been in storage since the late 1960s and is part of the inventory from Danny’s Magic Counter that was inside Macy’s in New York City.
The basic effect starts out by showing a wooden drawer box and sliding out the drawer which is seen to have a round circle cut out in the center large enough for a coin. You place a coin into the opening and push it back into the box. When the drawer is pulled out again the coin has vanished.
Watch and buy: HERE
By the way, if you collect these, I am currently selling a set of rare ones that I have on eBay: HERE
►Four Nightmares DX:
A beautiful five phase rope routine where two unequal ropes stretch to the same size, they are tied together and merge into one rope, a knot is tied in the center and visually slid off, another larger knot is formed and slid off to form a loop, as a finale the loop and rope meld together into one rope.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Pocket Slot Machine:
A plastic disc is handed to a spectator who picks a number and thinks of a slot machine symbol. You can immediately read their mind and tell them the symbol they are thinking of even though your back was turned. You can even do this while you walk away to another room.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Just finished the 52-minute tutorial for the next David Roth release. Still working on the packaging and trailer.