Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #970
October 9, 2021
The Double Wedge Deck from the last newsletter sold out within an hour. More of them are being made and I should have twice as many coming, in around 3-4 weeks. If you don’t want to miss out, please sign up for notifications: HERE
One of the requests I often get from magicians is if I have Bridge size trick decks they can get for their kids, nephews, or grand kids. It is a really nice way to introduce a kid to magic by enthralling them with something and then gifting it to them, sharing the secrets with them and teaching them how to perform it.
When I did kid birthday parties, I tried to convince some parents that after the show I can take the kids to a separate room and teach them some magic… of course the parents would have to buy the tricks I would supply!
Anyway, the reason for this conversation is that I have a supply of these attractive Bridge size Svengali decks you can buy and gift to some deserving people. And because there are no instructions included, I am offering them for less than a good cup of coffee.
I used to demo Svengali Decks when representing the Marshall Brodien magic line at trade shows so I thought I would take this opportunity to demonstrate my basic routine which has some interesting handlings.
Although the sequences I use have been around, pay attention to the grip I use on the deck. It allows me to spring the cards in a more open way and makes the table spreads more precise. I never saw anyone else do it this way. Watch: HERE
Below you will find two different gaffed decks manufactured by Fantasma Magic. The Retro Svengali Deck I demonstrated and a Retro Invisible Deck in a collectible tin which I have very few of.
►Retro Svengali Deck:
This is a Bridge-size Svengali deck with a retro back design. In addition to the deck, you also get some extra reveal cards as pictured.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Retro Invisible Deck:
The invisible deck is a classic of magic where the spectator names any card and it is shown to be the only face up card in the deck.
This version also has some extra outs if they happen to name specific cards. The back design is one that was commissioned by Fantasma. Comes in a collectible tin.
Get one: HERE
Just added a bunch of collectible magic books and playing cards to my eBay auctions that will expire on Sunday night.
A direct link to the auctions: HERE
A link to my eBay store: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Having more dental work done over the next three weeks… so might go back to reading the Forte books!
PSS: To read the last newsletter go: HERE