Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #961
September 4, 2021
Warning: I have very few of this new item and I don’t know when I will get more. Get it now, get it: HERE

The nicest magic family I have ever met are Ron, Theresa, Martin, and Georgia MacMillan who run International Magic in London. There is nothing they wouldn’t do to help magicians and promote magic. They don’t get the credit they deserve in the way they helped shape the world of magic in the UK.
In the 1980s-1990s I was in Europe a lot doing conventions and lectures. I used to bump into them everywhere. Their annual conventions were like miniature FISMs where most of the movers and shakers in the magic world would attend. If you wanted to book magic conventions and lecture tours all you had to do was do some magic at the bar, get to know people and the bookings would be instantaneous.
I loved attending their chaotic conventions, I believe that over the years I performed close-up, lectured, did my stage act, midnight show, competed in their contest, and they even released my first lecture video.
The best part was that you always saw acts there that you never heard of, that would steal the show. Many acts debuted there from the Eastern Block Countries when they started opening up. Their contributions to the UK magic scene are likely comparable to what the Magic Circle has done and I am pretty sure Marvin’s Magic would not exist if it wasn’t for Ron’s early ventures into department stores.
So where am I going with this? Besides being my friends, they are also my Facebook friends and a couple of months ago Martin shared a video of a card trick he just marketed. I watched the trailer a couple of times, and I couldn’t wrap my head around how it could be done. I was fooled, so I shared the video with some friends to see if they knew what was going on, but they were fooled too.
Now I had to get this, and Martin agreed to supply me with some. He makes each deck by hand, so it took a couple of months to get them. Before sending them, he said, “I hope you won’t be disappointed by the method.” So, when they came in, I was expecting to be disappointed… but I wasn’t! Very clever and every easy. I like it and now I know why my friends and I were fooled.
►Beyond Brainwave:
Although this routine is based on the Brainwave/Invisible deck premise it is so much more. What is so wonderful about it is that it will easily fool most magicians. Watch the trailer and see if it fools you.
The basic routine: A blue backed deck is placed on display while a spectator is asked to name a card. The pack is removed, and the cards spread, the named card is reversed. The card is removed, turned over and shown to have a red back. Until now, everything seems similar for those familiar with the Brainwave deck. But here’s where things change, the deck is turned over and shown to be entirely blank, the only printed card is the spectator’s named one!
Watch and buy: HERE
I started committing to conventions next year, got a new live credit card processor and started importing in the tricks I enjoy demonstrating. Mostly because they are entertaining and fool most magicians. It reminded me of this: If you didn’t get one yet, take a look at Jim Krenz’ Victorious Triumph.
►Victorious Triumph:
Jim Krenz has created what is likely the cleanest and most magical Triumph routine you will ever do. Thanx to some gimmicked cards and an ingenious handling this self-working routine is a work of art.
A self-working version of a classic routine where a freely selected card is lost in the deck. The cards are repeatedly shuffled face-up and face-down and their mixed condition is shown after each shuffle. In an instant, the deck is spread to reveal all the cards face down, except for the selection, which could have been signed. Can be done with multiple selections and you can even let the spectators do the shuffling!
A diabolically clever method. This Triumph will fool anyone. I love it. …Bill Malone
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Doug Henning once whispered to me that fooling people is the most important thing.