Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #697
August 11, 2018
I just came back from the massive Magic Live! Convention in Las Vegas and wanted to send a quick update this weekend. It will be brief as I just got back and am exhausted. Had very little sleep the past week and only around an hour and a half the last night before flying back.
That last night is what turned me into a Zombie. It started with going to the new edition of the David Copperfield show which fooled me, with just about every single piece. After the show David whisked me away to his museum into what was planned as a Tannen’s reunion.

David and his staff have been working very hard in upgrading and enhancing the museum. The opening feature is a recreation of an ideal old-school magic shop that was molded around what Tannen’s used to look like. It was spectacular.
It created a moment of wonder. Just like when you first walked into a magic shop as a kid and saw all the colorful illusions and wanted to buy all of them because you thought that by having them you will be a star.
Turns out that the Tannen recreation was only one small part. David spent the next five hours or so walking us through the many exhibits and performing many, many pieces of magic and illusions for us. Along the way giving us souvenirs and letting us handle some of the rarest magic apparatus in the history of magic.
Words cannot describe what I saw and experienced… I felt like I was getting a command performance by the greatest magician in history… and I was!
But I did not get back to the hotel until around 5am and had to get up at 7am for my airport pickup. So, In brief:

Had a tremendous time at the convention and could not have been happier with the response I got for the two editions of my Finger Fantasies book. This will likely turnout to be my legacy project since it features all the finger magic I created during my lifetime.
As I told many of the attendees. If it wasn’t for the magic I am teaching in the book I would have been just another forgotten card guy.
There is something visceral about finger magic that makes it memorable… and that is one of the most important aspects of being a successful entertainer. I just hope that all of you can one day experience the reactions I get when performing some of these routines.

Throughout the week when friends of mine came to the booth I asked them to pose with a copy of the book which I was sharing on Instagram and Facebook. If you follow me I am sure you saw the may familiar faces. A few of which I am sharing here.
If you did not get a copy of the Expanded or Limited editions you can get them now:
Finger Fantasies: Expanded Edition: HERE.
Finger Fantasies: Limited Edition: HERE.
Franz Harary also shot a short interview with me about the book and had me perform some of the visual pieces. You can watch the video: HERE.

My second release at the convention was the Parade of Kings, Queens and Jacks routines using my new Parlor Size cards.
I expected the routines to get a good response because they are very strong and very easy. They could be described as self-working foolers.
But I didn’t really expect to fool as many magicians as I did. Turns out that giving them so many chances to change their mind really surprised them. I ended selling a bunch of the Parades and wanted to remind you that the introductory price will go up on Tuesday, so you should get them now. You really can’t go wrong with the combo price I am offering for the entire set.
Watch the trailer and buy: HERE.
I didn’t get a chance to get too many new products for you. Mostly because I didn’t have time to shop around and I didn’t see anything or hear about anything that wowed me. But I was able to restock on some stuff and will have some awesome news in around four weeks.
Until next time, Meir
PS: I have already shared many photos on my Facebook and Instagram pages but have many more to share over the following week… hope to see you there.