Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #772
August 10, 2019
Just got back from a wonderful Magic Live Convention in Las Vegas where I had an opportunity to hang out with many friends and was also able to make some new contacts that are able to supply me and or manufacture for me some very interesting products and accessories. You will hopefully see some of them by the end of the year.

The opening night theme was Trick or Treat and everyone was supposed to attend in costume. The costume that I thought was the best was Stan Allen who came as Lance “Stance” Burton. I had to take a picture with him. I don’t think you will have trouble guessing who I went as. That night many of the magicians who came to the booth addressed me as, “Hey, little buddy,” especially the ones that were shaped like the Skipper!
I was very happy with the response to my new release, which sold out. It is a routine that was created by Gene Maze and one I have been performing since the 1980s. It comes with a DVD with all my work on it, and many surprises. I hope to assemble the rest of the ones I have in the warehouse this week, shoot a trailer and offer it to you next weekend.
There was another item I introduced, as a pre-release, that almost sold-out, which many people really liked. I can hopefully offer that to you soon as well.
I usually spend a small fortune buying the remaining stock of cool and new stuff from the dealers, but this year I did not find much to buy. There were actually very few items magicians were excited about, that did not sell-out.
But I was able to get a few things, that were not new to the market, but new to me. I think you will really like them. These are the two I was able to fit into my luggage.

Tenyo Four Nightmares:
My friends at Seo Magic were at the booth next to me and one afternoon I happened to watch Daisuke perform one of the most mesmerizing rope routines I have ever seen. I later asked him if it was new and he said that it is around 17 years old and a Tenyo product. I asked him why I haven’t seen anyone else perform it and he explained that the written instructions that come with it are difficult to follow.
But this is the great news: He now includes a link to a 20-minute video performance and tutorial for the entire routine… So, you can actually learn it. I immediately purchased all he had left.
I currently have all the remaining stock (with video instructions by Seo) in the US. Get it now.
Get it: HERE.

Ghost Cash:
As I was speaking to my friend Astor, who is likely the best plastic fabricator in magic, he showed me a simple, yet visual effect where an illustration of a twenty dollar bill visually gets colorized, turns into a real bill and can be immediately spent or given as a gift.
Once again, not new, but I cornered the US market on them so if you can see yourself carrying this with you and performing it, get it now.
Get it: HERE.
Live Appearances:
As you might remember, for the past few years Marc Salem and I have teamed up to present, Mind Games Reloaded. It is a fun, full evening, show where I open with highlights from my stand-up comedy act and then introduce Marc who amazes with around an hour of mentalism. The pieces he presents are highlights from his critically acclaimed Broadway show, Mind Games.
We can’t do this show too often because we both have very busy schedules and it is often difficult to find the time when we are both available. The good news is that we will be presenting the show four times in the next month. August 23 and 24 in Philadelphia, September 20 in Piermont, NY and September 22 in Long Island, NY. Hope to see many friends at each show. Info below:
►August 23-24: Smoke & Mirrors Theatre in Philadelphia, PA. Info: HERE.
►September 20: The Turning Point in Piermont, NY. Info: HERE.
►September 22: Parlor of Mystery/South Shore Theatre in Lindenhurst, NY. Info: HERE.
Oh, for my live customers who have been asking me about Rainbow. They are back in stock. You must contact me directly to get some.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.