Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,101
May 3, 2023
Regular readers know that I like autographs and whenever possible I have the products I offer you autographed. I think I started that with the Alex Elmsley lecture notes I offered a million years ago.
Just got back from the 4F and MAWNY conventions where I had my friends sign some of their new releases and will introduce those over the next few weeks.
This week you can get an autographed copy of John Bannon’s new book. I only have a few left.
►Very Hush-Hush:
John Bannon’s latest book features forty card tricks with a “mental” slant that require little to no sleight-of-hand.
In five large chapters, John explores impossible location effects (including some that can be performed over Zoom), prediction tricks with and without multiple revelation procedures, and performance pieces with a mental magic/mindreading theme, among other cunning card effects in the miracle class.
Along the way, you’ll learn a host of helpful sleights and subtleties, including false cuts and shuffles, switches, and other moves. And while there is no real finger-flinging required, yes, you still have to practice.
Watch and buy: HERE
I also just got a few more copies of the Marc Salem and Richard Marks book that is autographed by both of them.
►Secret Tools & Strategies:
Salem and Mark have put together a book that covers many of the essential tools of mentalism. All are based on over a century of combined experience. It is a graduate course in the performance of Entertaining Mentalism. Included in this detailed work are closely guarded secret strategies that you will use and will add valuable knowledge to your current and future performances.
Get a copy: HERE
►Strolling Smiley:
This is one of the rare, seemingly impromptu routines that puts a smile on people’s faces.
You begin by borrowing a Quarter from someone and drawing a sad face on it while explaining that coins can sometimes reflect the emotions of their owners.
To make the coin feel better by rubbing it, it begins smiling when the sad face changes into a happy one! Another wave, and the coin changes to a very happy grinning face as you hand it back to the person you borrowed it from as a souvenir.
The tutorial includes Michael’s original routine, his new streamlined handling, and Meir’s simple handling.
Watch and buy: HERE
►New eBay Auctions:
Just added 18 magic books, lecture notes and tricks to my eBay auctions. Some are autographed. They will all expire on Sunday.
►Direct link to my eBay auctions: HERE
►Direct link to my eBay store: HERE
Regular readers of MagicTimes saw that I just dropped a new interview with my friend Rich Marotta. We mostly discussed the Comedy Club circuit in the 1980s.
Watch it: HERE
►Sunday May 14, 4pm: Appearing in Comix at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Introduced two new items and picked up many exclusive items last weekend and will be releasing them to you in the next few weeks.
“Magic in and of itself can be entertaining but it is not inherently so. You must work your Heineken off to make it entertaining.”
…Peter Pitchford (Presenting Magic).