Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #830
May 3, 2020
FIRST: I am continuing to ship your orders on a daily basis. Thank you for your continued support.
Just finished my first full week of lectures with three of them happening in the last 24 hours. It seems that all the attendees are having a good time. Upcoming lectures include stops in Austin, Sydney, Indiana, Baltimore, Honolulu, Denver, Helsinki, Detroit, and much more. Working every day (except for the 3 days I am taking off for my birthday).
If your magic club or group would like to book me for this free, “Bag of Trix Lecture,” please have someone contact me. Currently most days between 7pm-9pm NY time are taken but I am around before and after those times for lectures for groups in different time zones.
One of my trademark routines is the Twisting Arm Illusion. I was recently asked for the link to the download and was surprised that I never released it in digital form.
I have not been performing it a lot because it got overexposed over the past few years but I did decide to use it as my opening piece at a Halloween show last year and was happy with the fantastic reactions when the audience started gasping and shrieking while the arm was twisting and the sound of the bones crunching. It was just like when I first started performing it in 1986!
Shinkoh’s Twisting Arm Illusion:
Watch the trailer with a noticeably young me performing it and download the instructional video. As usual the introductory price will end on Tuesday night.
Watch & buy: HERE
Parade Of Kings, Queens, & Jacks:
Two years ago, I released my handling of this classic mentalism piece and had it manufactured using parlor size cards for extra visibility and a cleaner handling. I expected it to be a runaway best-seller since I often carry it with me and use it. But sales were very disappointing.
I wanted to give you another chance to consider it and for the next week I will be offering free worldwide postage using my new system of shipping flat and light products.
Please watch the trailer to see how clean and fair everything looks. Remember that all the choices given are absolutely free.
Watch & buy: HERE
The Fan of Cards lapel pin I offered last week sold out quickly and I was able to get all the rest that were made. I have 4 left: HERE
I was also able to get more of the other Lapel Pin variants and Zodiac Coins:
►Question Mark Lapel Pin: HERE
►Devil Head Lapel Pin: HERE
►Skull & Bones Lapel Pin: HERE
►Zodiac Coin: HERE

Lately my eBay store has been outperforming my magic site so I added more collectible decks of cards to my eBay auctions which will expire on Sunday evening.
There is a total of 31 items at auction and more than 200 items in my eBay store.
A direct link to the auction items is: HERE
If you want to visit the store and browse around go: HERE.
Warehouse Finds, Limited Quantities & Great Prices:
This is part of a large Joker Magic inventory I purchased recently. Many of these items are no longer being manufactured and the ones that are will not be restocked. Once they are gone… they are gone!
Still Available:
►Preferred: HERE
►Pass Through Deck: HERE
►Giant Domino: HERE
►Hit The Jackpot: HERE
►Fully Packed: HERE
►Diamond Extra: HERE
►Mobile Printer: HERE
►Clone Cube: HERE
►Cube 4 You: HERE
►Ultimate Change: HERE
►Chameleon Deck: HERE
►Boomerang Cards: HERE
►Penhenge Sharpie: HERE
►Inexhaustible Pack Of Cards: HERE
►Chinese Coin Bending: HERE
►Color Changing Gum: HERE
►Gum Game: HERE
►Find The Red Card: HERE
►Magnetic Domino: HERE
►Jumbo Chinese Coin Color Change: HERE
►Vanishing Magnetic Mini Deck: HERE
►Ring On A Rope: HERE
►Silk Cube: HERE
►Mystic Wand: HERE
►Plexiglass Prediction: HERE
►Chinese Coin Transformation: HERE
Stay safe, Meir
Upcoming Live Appearances:
► The Magic Bag Of Trix Lecture appearing at magic clubs worldwide during their Zoom meetings.
![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This routine has often been referred to as one of the best packet tricks. It has more visual impossibilities than most in its genre. You cleanly show four queens, explaining that one of them is very special. The first three Queens that are selected are shown to have different colored backs. The last Queen is cleanly shown to have a blue back as you explain it too is special. The cards are shown again and now they all have red backs except for the last Queen. As a finale the four Queens are shown to have four different back designs and colors and they can even be handed for examination. | ![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE Gene Maze’s fantastic chain routine combines the Fast & Loose or Endless Chain routines with the classic Three Card Monte and Three Shell Game scams. When the routine was originally published many top pros built their own sets and put it into their shows. The object is for the spectator to pick the peg that catches. No matter how hard they try they can’t find it. Even though you keep making it easier and giving them tips, they always fail. Of course, the secret lies in the fact that you have total control of whether the spectator wins or loses. |
![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE Higar’s Rainbow Phantom Cards are among the most ingenious technologies that has been applied to magic. I have been performing with them for years and on this video tutorial I will teach my three favorite routines. These are routines that I use. Two of them are close-up routines and one is used when I am performing formal close-up or stand-up. Taught are Meir Yedid’s Rainbow Cut Card Routine, Rainbow Doctor Who Routine, Rainbow Wonder Mirror Routine, and Trevor Lewis’ Swivel Cut Swindle. The spectator’s face is always framed with the reveal and saved on their phone. And most importantly every time they look at the picture, they will be reminded of you and your performance. | ![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This is a real Magician Badge that was fashioned on the badges used by law enforcement agencies around the world. It adds a level credibility to magicians while at the same time adding humor to your introductions. It is a great icebreaker. The next time you walk up to strangers you can pull out the badge as you say your name and title of Magician. It causes a moment of panic followed by relief and laughter. |