Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #749
April 6, 2019
A few weeks ago, my friend Harvey mentioned Angle Z in a casual conversation, I had no idea what he was talking about. He was surprised I was that ignorant, and when he explained it to me, I thought it was a brilliant idea. And all of a sudden I started noticing many magicians using it on TV and on their YouTube videos.
This has been out for a while, but it somehow escaped my notice. I might be one of the few who missed this. If you are like me, now is your chance to add it to your arsenal.
If you are not familiar with it. The basic effect is that you tear a corner off a selected card, it vanishes and then appears in an impossible location. What is amazing about it is that it is practically self-working.
Watch & Buy: HERE.
If you are familiar with the method, I had some ideas that you might try. They are not as good as the basic routine, but they do have some interesting aspects.
Instead of ripping a corner off, I pretend to rip the card in half, and in half again. I then do an Elmsley Count with the three face down corners and place the supposed four pieces in their fingertips. They wave the four pieces over a sugar packet (or anywhere you want to hide the piece) and now look at the pieces in their hand and notice one has vanished. It then appears wherever you like.
The cool thing is that you now have four corners that can be used to perform other magic with. The one thing I did was to bend them into little tents and I did a Chink-A-Chink routine with them.
The other idea I had is based on the gaffed version (not included on the DVD) and that is to have the corner of the card vanish and appear stapled to the back of their selection that is in their hand.
Watch & Buy: HERE.
How To Make Money By Magic:
Smile – It Shows! Believe it or not, the caller can sense your mood and demeanor over the phone, and you obviously want to greet them in a happy, cheerful way rather than the opposite. It amazes us how many businesses have miserable people as a first point of contact for their company! Don’t be the same, make the effort to smile!
Keep a pencil or pen, and a standard form by the phone to make some notes as you talk. You’ll see why this is important as we go through the next steps, but essentially it is often helpful to be able to recall specific points the caller mentions, as well as of course their name, phone number, date the show is required and so on. (An excerpt from How To Make Money By Magic, page 161).
►Paperback Edition: HERE.
►Collector’s Hardcover: HERE.
►Free PDF Excerpt: HERE.
►Also available from Amazon worldwide.
Don’t forget that the introductory price for George Schindler’s Entertainment First! video download expires on Tuesday. Get it: HERE.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.