Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,207
June 5, 2024
The release of Chris Kenner’s Threefly was a groundbreaking moment in the history of coin magic. It changed the way magicians approached coins across routines by moving all of the magic up to chest and eye level.
It spawned thousands of variations and applications, and it continues to do so.
Today I am proud to release that original booklet as a PDF download. Even if you already do a version of it, you should study the original.
Many 3Fly versions have been adapted to using gaffs and I think the Dual Position Triple Splits are an ideal way to go. Just got another shipment below.
Also got another shipment of Ted Bogusta’s Midas, which sold out in minutes last time.
Three coins individually teleport instantaneously from the fingertips of one hand to the fingertips of the other. No coin gimmicks involved.
Here is how the routine is described in the booklet:
“This routine has been a pet effect of Chris Kenner’s since 1986. It has received rave reviews from magicians like Michael Weber, Gaetan Bloom, David Williamson, Dan Garrett, Daryl, Gary Kurtz, John Brunelle, Robert E. Fitch, David Copperfield and a cornucopia of others.
‘The effect is direct and to-the-point. The very nature of the handling allows this routine to be performed for as few as one spectator, up to as many as a hundred!”
Get a copy: HERE
Jim Buffaloe was a magician who specialized in coin magic, he created many original routines that appeared in the classic Bobo’s Modern Coin Magic and multiple Linking Ring Parades. His specialty was showpieces which combined unique props and coins. He also performed many stand-up and family shows.
Subtitled as “The Magic Of Jim Buffaloe”, more than 150 pages are dedicated to original coin magic with bonus chapters full of original stand-up routines and magic for children. You will also find some essays about improving your performance.
Watch and buy: HERE
The mythological King Midas was known to be able to turn everything he touched into gold. It is a dream that every child has and a talent that every adult wished they had.
In the real world, it is impossible… but with magic it can happen. Kind of. You explain that you have a magical gold penny that turns any Dime it touches into gold. You demonstrate with a silver Dime. It turns to gold. For a repeat, you show a second silver Dime, let it touch the penny and it too turns to gold!
Everything is now examinable, and you can give the gold dime as a souvenir to be remembered by.
Watch and buy: HERE
I decided to continue the introductory sale prices on all of Dan Garrett’s magic until I am able to offer you many more of his tricks, books, and lecture notes.
Just received another shipment of Get Sharkys that are now available in both red and blue backs and as mentioned above, I now have the Dual Position Triple Splits available in most variants.
►Get Sharky:
You explain that you are going to show something that was performed by a famous one-armed magician. To demonstrate you place your right hand in your pocket. With your left hand you hold up the deck of cards and instruct the spectator to peek at any card they like.
Without any suspicious moves you hand the deck to the spectator and nonchalantly snap your fingers. The spectator is now asked to go through the deck and find their chosen card. The spectator looks through the deck, but the card has vanished! (The deck can even be dealt onto the table, one card at a time, by the spectator… their card is not there!)
You slowly remove your right hand from your pocket and show the selected card!
Watch and buy: HERE
►Dual Position Triple Split:
What Ted Bogusta created is a magnetic system he calls Dual Position which uses specially designed and manufactured magnets that allow the magnetic coins to overlap without aligning. This system allows you to place the overlapping coins in your hands, on the table, or even in the spectators’ hands.
The coins are also a little thicker than most which allows them to be shown as full-sized coins as opposed to shims.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Traits & Emotions:
This routine begins with having your friend think of any person that they know something about. It could be a friend, a relative, an acquaintance or someone famous.
You then show them ten cards which have a list of 100 different human characteristics. You have them find a characteristic that reminds them of the person they are thinking of.
After a little byplay you will know the word they are thinking of, and you can reveal it anyway you like.
Watch and buy: HERE
►JUNE 16: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Just received a giant delivery of simple stuff that would be hard to find anywhere else that I will start introducing you to next week.