Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #916
March 27, 2021
I pre-wrote two different newsletters for today but for various reasons I was not able to get the products here in time.
So, this will be a good opportunity to mention that nine of my books are available from Amazon and qualify for free shipping worldwide if you have a prime account with them.
►Finger Fantasies:
My Finger Fantasies book has not been available from them since October because of an imaginary problem they had with it. I spent the last few months speaking to many of their employees and contacted them through all of their channels. It was finally fixed a couple of weeks ago and the book is back in stock.
From Amazon: HERE
From MyMagic: HERE
The deluxe hardcover: HERE
Here are the other eight books you can get from them right now. Click on the images to go the the Amazon page:
These links are to the US Amazon site. The books should be available worldwide on your local sites as well. All you have to do is search for the titles.
Of course, you are welcome to buy the books directly from me if you like. All are available at: MyMagic.com
►Business Card Penetration Frame:
A Modern Version Of A Classic! This is a beautiful version of a classic that is made of plastic but has been vacuum metalized to look like gold colored chrome. It is also a little smaller than most card frames which makes it lighter and easier to carry and becomes an ideal routine to do with borrowed business cards.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay safe, Meir
PS: I will be making a quick cameo at the NEMCON 39.5 free online convention on Saturday March 27 starting at 1pm (New York Time). I was given permission to share the live YouTube link. See you: HERE