MT: September 3-9, 2001

VOLUME: 45 / ISSUE: 1,344 / Monday – September 3, 2001
Glen David Gold’s “Carter Beats the Devil” is reviewed in the Washington Post where they reprint an excerpt on how to vanish an elephant. The reviewer points out however that, “Magicians — or more properly illusionists, a distinction that Charles Carter insists upon making — are loath to reveal the tricks of their deceptive trade, but Carter Beats the Devil is so lavishly fraught with disappearances, manifestations, escapes and defiances of physical laws that Glen David Gold can afford to let the reader in on just this one. The disclosure, while making us feel privy to insider information, detracts little from the bamboozlement that courses through Gold’s long and winding narrative. The author, in short, has tricks to burn.” To read the Sep. 2 review by Dennis Drabelle titled “Grand Illusions” click: HERE.(9/3)
–To buy the book at a specially discounted price of $17.46 click: HERE.

Lyn Van Buren featured in an Orlando Sentinel story, which looks at what led him to pursue a career as a magician. His interest was sparked at a New York performance of Howard Schrumtf when Van Buren was only 15. He then attended the Chavez School of Magic and eventually became Schrumtf’s apprentice. Explaining what he enjoys about his profession he said, “When you hear applause, that means people appreciate what you’re doing, but when they laugh they enjoy what you’re doing. It’s giving people a little touch of heaven.” To read the Sep. 2 article by Sara Sheckler titled “Applause, laughs fill a magical life” click: HERE.(9/3)

The 63rd annual Houdini Convention in Appleton, WI attracted more than 200 registrants and was featured in a Post-Crescent article. To read the Sep. 2 story by Steven Hyden titled “Learning the tricks of the trade” click: HERE.(9/3)

“Carter Beats the Devil” by Glen David Gold is reviewed in The Dallas Morning News where they discuss its strengths and weaknesses, “What is astonishing about Carter is how much Mr. Gold has drawn from actual history… and how detailed he is in outlining stage illusions. Anyone can learn such conjuring secrets from Mr. [Mike] Caveney’s many books, but for the average reader, Mr. Gold’s prestidigitation is dazzling.” To read the Sep. 2 review by Jerome Weeks titled “Magic rests on pace and patter” click: HERE.(9/3)
–To buy the book at a specially discounted price of $17.46 click: HERE.

The Magic Corner in Raleigh, NC is featured in The News & Observer where they give a brief history of the magic shop founded by Hughie Olmstead and is now owned by Jon Ferrante. To read the Aug. 31 story by Karen A. Mann titled “North Carolina Magic Store’s Success Is No Sleight of Hand” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(9/3)

George Mirabel who performed at the Hoboken Public Library’s end-of-the summer children’s party is featured in a ZWire story. To read the Sep. 2 article by Eugene Mulero titled “Kids enjoy party at local library” click: HERE.(9/3)
VOLUME: 45 / ISSUE: 1,345 / Tuesday – September 4, 2001
Jarrett Parker and Raja Rahman will stage two special performances of their “Classical Magic” show, which played off-Broadway in NYC a couple of years ago, to benefit the Friends of Libraries of Southern Nevada. The shows will appear at Clark County Library Theatre on Sep. 7 at 8pm and at the Summerlin Performing Arts Center on Sep. 15 at 8pm. The show is described, as “A Symphony of Sorcery and Sound” as it interweaves magic with live classical music. Special guests will include members of the Las Vegas Philharmonic and the Nevada Ballet Theatre. Tickets are $15-$30 per person and are available by phoning: 888-454-2468 or clicking: HERE.(9/4)

OHIO, INDIANA, MICHICAN, CHICAGO: Mark Mason lectures in Columbus, OH on Sep. 4, Cleveland, OH on Sep. 5, Toledo, OH on Sep. 6, Fort Wayne, IN on Sep. 10, Garden City, MI on Sep. 11, Ann Arbor, MI on Sep. 12 and Chicago, IL on Sep. 17. For more information about location and contact person e-mail Danny Archer at:
VOLUME: 45 / ISSUE: 1,346 / Wednesday – September 5, 2001
Mark Mitton hosts “Avant-Garde-Arama: Hypnotized!” on Friday Sep. 7 and Saturday Sep. 8 at 8:30pm at the P.S.122 Performance Space (150 First Avenue) in New York City. Scheduled performers include: On Friday: Anne Seagrave, Turbo Bonz Dance Project, Dan Killeen, Emmy Gay, Ricardo Muñiz, and The Galerkin Method. On Saturday: Oscar McLennan, Pele Bauch, Paul Rajeckas, Sibyl Kempson, Dan Killeen, Neil Rolnick and Friends. Tickets are $15 per person. For more information click: HERE.(9/5)

The Magic Circle election results are as follows: The 14 members who were elected to the council are: Janet Clare, Rupert Connell, Rob Cox, Henry Lewis, Fay Presto, Graham Reed, Peter Scarlett, Alan Shaxon, Alan Snowdon, Scott Penrose, Derrick Speight, Richard Stupple, Michael Vincent, and Chris Woodward. The two resolutions regarding a stricter dress code and increasing the size of the council failed to get the necessary votes. All of the main officers ran unopposed. 586 ballots were returned which is around 40% of the membership.(9/5)

Timothy Martinez is featured in a Caller-Times article, which coincides with the Texas Association of Magicians convention that took place over the weekend in Corpus Christi. Also mentioned in the article are Kelvin Chun, Duane Laflin, Flip, and Don Stiefel. To read the Sep. 2 article by Leanne Libby titled “Trade of the tricks” click: HERE.(9/5)

Deane Stern and Hal Myers who marketed the Skyliner are featured in a Bangor Daily News article where Stern said that he “expects to sell half-million Skyliners this year.” To read the Sep. 3 story titled “Bangor magic man’s  invention flourishes Skyliner makes words seem to float in air” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(9/5)

PENNSYLVANIA: The annual M.A.E.S. (Magicians’ Alliance of Eastern States) Convention takes place on Sep. 7-8 at The Clarion Hotel (1700 Harrisburg Pike) in Carlisle. Appearing this year are: Johnny & Pam Thompson, Vito Lupo, Cody Fisher, General Grant, R.G. Smith, Damian, Bob Little, David Kaye, Shelly Stortz, John Westford, Mario Christopher, Slapstick & Lipstick, and Og the Magnificent. For more information click: HERE.(9/5)
VOLUME: 45 / ISSUE: 1,347 / Thursday – September 6, 2001
Gene Anderson, Bob Bloenk and Bill Tadlock perform in Magic, Music and Mentalism at the Brighton Center for the Performing Arts in Brighton, MI on Sep. 23. According to the Detroit News “General admission tickets are $8, and refreshments will be available.” To read the Sep. 4 article titled “Livingston Briefs” click: HERE.(9/6)

NEVADA: The inaugural “Las Vegas Magic Invitational” close-up convention will be held at the San Remo Hotel & Casino on Sep. 13-15. Featured performers include Daryl, Gregory Wilson, John T. Sheets,  Balthazar Fuentes, Troy Hooser, Paul David, Danny Archer, Bob Kohler and Lorne Christopher Michaels. Gary Darwin will be the Guest of Honor. Hosted by Danny Archer and Robert Allen, registration is $135 per person. For more information click: HERE.(9/6)
VOLUME: 45 / ISSUE: 1,348 / Friday – September 7, 2001
Steve Cohen’s show “Chamber Magic” is opening for a second New York City run — this time at the Waldorf Towers in the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. Allowing the audience the optimal opportunity to experience close-up magic — each show is limited to 30 guests. A recent CBS Evening News report commented on the show, “If you can’t get tickets to see ‘The Producers,’ there’s another hot show you need to see.” The limited run will feature three shows nightly on Sep. 7, 14, 28, and Oct. 5, 12. The 7pm and 9pm shows will be his regular show while the midnight event will feature all different magic. For more information, tickets and reservations phone: 917-361-8751 or e-mail:

David Copperfield to promote the Marriott Hotels in a TV commercial. According to a Reuters story “Earlier this week, the company [Marriott] launched a new ad campaign featuring celebrities such as rock singer Alice Cooper and magician David Copperfield in an attempt to woo new customers.” To read the Sep. 6 story by Patrick Markey titled “Marriott Warns of Weaker August Bookings” click: HERE.(9/7)

David Copperfield teaching magic to kids in a Mexico City Child Rehabilitation Center where EFE reported that “The workshop is designed to entertain children and improve their self-esteem by teaching them some magic tricks.” To read the Sep. 5 article titled “Magician copperfield teaches tricks to disabled mexican children” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(9/7)
VOLUME: 45 / ISSUE: 1,349 / Saturday – September 8, 2001
Jarrett Parker and Raja Rahman are featured in a Las Vegas Sun article which calls them “one of the more unusual acts in Las Vegas.” The article describes their career together and how they put the show together. Parker explained their dream, “Our goal is to be in one of the finer hotels in Las Vegas with a big showroom and to invite orchestras from around the country to perform with us.” To read the Sep. 7 story by Jerry Fink titled “Magician, musician team for library benefit shows” click: HERE.(9/8)

Steve Cohen performed at Robin Leach’s 60th birthday party and was covered in the New York Times where they described several of the routines he performed. To read the Sep. 7 article titled “Shoeless, but Decorum Intact” click: HERE.(9/8)

Puck, Frank Brents, Simon Lovell, Todd Robbins, Belinda Sinclair, Carl Mercurio and Jamy Ian Swiss appear at Monday Night Magic on Sep. 10 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(9/8)
VOLUME: 45 / ISSUE: 1,350 / Sunday – September 9, 2001
Frank Crowell and Greg Lindsay have opened The Magic Wand, a new magic shop at the Guilford Village Shopping Center in Greensboro, NC. A News & Record article quotes Crowell, “We have some innovative ideas… We’re going to do things differently than the average magic shop.” Lindsay added “We’re trying to carry a wide line of magic for beginners, tricks that even a 3-year-old could do… Our philosophy is to still have a place that kids can come and have fun.” To read the Sep. 8 story by Amy Joyner titled “Duo hopes for some magic” click: HERE.(9/9)

David Acer, Richard Sanders, Mystina, Tommy Garbin, Wesley Edberg, Brandon Scott, Brad Cummings, and Tony Daniels appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Sep. 10-16. David Acer lectures on Sunday Sep. 16.(9/9)
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