MT: October 8-14, 2001

VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,379 / Monday – October 8, 2001
Glen David Gold who wrote “Carter Beats the Devil” wrote an article for the Independent-London where he reflects on what he has learned about the magic world and his recent appearance at MAGIC Live in Las Vegas. He explained that “The art is, however, an altar at which everyone here worships. It’s a narrative, each trick using substitution, transformation, movement, metamorphosis, and to pay attention to these underlying principles is to find a greater mystery: magic at its best fulfils needs you don’t even know you have, and does so in unexpected ways.” A wonderful quote from Charles Greene III is included, “I pinch myself every day – I get to travel the world, doing what I love for a living. My audiences are intelligent and educated.” Magicians mentioned in the article are David Copperfield, Lance Burton, Penn & Teller, Stan Allen, Michael Ammar, David Kaye, Channing Pollack, Mac King, Jim Steinmeyer, Max Maven, Michael Diliberto, Charles Greene III, Mike Guisti, Gary Ouellet, Chris Power, Howard Thurston, Houdini, and Dean Dill. This is a wonderful article full of insights from a man looking in from the ouside. To read the Oct. 7 article by Glen David Gold titled “How’s Tricks?” supplied by Infoseek and Yellowbrix click: HERE.(10/8)

Mac King’s very successful show at Harrah’s in Las Vegas is being used as a model for future productions. According to a Las Vegas Review-Journal article the King model is where “…those who pay the advertised $14.95 get the best seats, but many more use promotional “vouchers” for $5.95.” The afternoon shows are used to keep guests in the hotel instead of leaving for other entertainment venues. To read the Oct. 7 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Some still believers in Vegas shows” click: HERE.(10/8)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,380 / Tuesday – October 9, 2001
Stephen Bargatze’s performance at the North Scott Junior High School is covered in a Herald Chronicle story where they describe his show as, “The program, which centers on themes designed to educate young people about the dangers in drugs, alcohol and tobacco as well as bullying and hazing, captured the attention of the entire audience.” Bargatze also explained how he overcame the difficulties in his own life. To read the Oct. 7 story by Ron Bailey titled “The Power of Magic can Educate” click: HERE.(10/9)

Teller’s father Joe Teller presents his first art exhibit at the Rosenfeld Gallery (215-922-1376) in Philadelphia through Oct. 28. His work was the feature of Teller’s book “When I’m Dead All This Will Be Yours” which was released last year. The exhibit will feature twenty paintings created over the past 65 years and will range in price from $650 to $1,600 each. To read the Oct. 7 Philadelphia Inquirer article by Michael Klein titled “Like magic, an exhibit appears” click: HERE.
–To read the Oct. 4 Citypaper article by Patrick Rapa titled “mix picks” click: HERE.(10/9)

Tom Mullica’s Red Skelton Tribute show travels through the Midwest during October with stops at the Little Theatre On The Square in Sullivan, IL (Oct. 12-14 and 19-21), Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse in Rock Island, IL (22-23), Hamilton Community Arts Theatre in Hamilton, MO (26), State Theatre in Mound City, MO (27), Geneva City Auditorium in Geneva, NE (28) and Crown Uptown Dinner Theatre in Wichita, KS (29-30).(10/9)

Mike Gancia who is the new president of the IBM British Ring #25 is featured in an Evening Mail article. To read the Oct. 5 article titled “Magic role for Mike!; Entertainer set to lead brotherhood” supplied by Infoseek and Yellowbrix click: HERE.(10/9)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,381 / Wednesday – October 10, 2001
Jim Swain is featured in the October issue of “Cigar Aficionado” where he takes the writer through a series of card scams that have been pulled on casinos as well as on their patrons. Swain explained, “The amazing thing to me about cheating is that you go into a casino and there are a thousand cameras, but the one thing that can beat them is the human mind, looking at the dealer, noticing obvious things, and reaching conclusions. That’s how people outsmart casinos.” The author also describes some of the routines presented by Swain throughout the day. The articled titled “How Cheaters Prosper” is written by Michael Kaplan.(10/10)
Paul Gertner autographing his lecture notes at Magic Funday on Sunday October 7, 2001 where he performed and lectured.(10/10)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,382 / Thursday – October 11, 2001
Harry Houdini will finally be honored on a stamp from the United States Postal Service. This is the first time a magician will appear on an American stamp and it will be officially released on Jul. 3, 2002 at the S.A.M.’s annual convention in New York City where they will be celebrating the organization’s 100 year anniversary. A special First Day Cover will be available at the convention where the Postal Service will set up cancellation equipment. The 34 cent (unless postage goes up) stamp is scheduled to be unveiled in Las Vegas on Oct. 29 where it will coincide with National Magic Week and the National Stamp Collecting month. The image they decided to use will be from a 1911 Strobridge poster.(10/11)

German Lukhele told the Swaziland Times that he makes money during his magic show and the Central Bank took him literally. According to an Ananova article a spokesperson for the bank said that they are the only ones permitted to produce currency and the, “…bank officials will be checking money used in the magician’s act to see if it is counterfeit.” To read the Oct. 10 article titled “Bank investigating magician for ‘conjuring up money’ during act” click: HERE.(10/11)

Children’s magician Tricky Ricky was mobbed by women who wanted him to strip for them during a show he was doing at a Mall. According to the Daily Record the women saw the ad for the show and confused him with exotic dancer Tricky Dicky. To read the Oct. 10 article titled “I’m No Dirty Dick Says Magic Man” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(10/11)

CALIFORNIA: Doc Eason lectures on Monday Oct. 15 at7pm at Mind Over Magic (2214 Burbank Blvd.) in Burbank. For more information phone: 818-562-1921.(10/11)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,383 / Friday – October 12, 2001
Lance Burton and Siegfried & Roy have agreed to appear on the “Las Vegas Salutes the Spirit of America” benefit to be held on Sunday Nov. 11 at the Mandalay Bay Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas. Tickets are $25 per person with proceeds going to the USO. Non-magicians scheduled to appear include Wayne Newton (who was recently appointed as “Chairman of the USO Celebrity Circle”), Clint Holmes, and Frank Scinta. To donate money to the USO click: HERE.(10/12)

Steve Cohen’s show “Chamber Magic: A Demonstration of Modern Conjuring” has been extended for an additional five weeks, through Nov. 14, at the Royal Suite of the Waldorf Towers in New York City. For ticket information and reservations click: HERE.(10/12)

John Bundy & Morgan star in “Spooktacular!” for their 8th consecutive season at the Worlds of Fun Amusement Park in Kansas City, MO. The 30-minute shows are held at the 1500-seat Tivoli Music Theater and are presented four times a day on weekends.(10/12)

Scott and Jenny Alexander are the honorary Grand Marshals for Circus Vargas, which is being hosted by the Shriners on Oct. 10-14 at The Castaways in Las Vegas. They are also performing together at Caesars Magical Empire through the 13th.(10/12)

60 magicians from around the world are expected to appear at the 8th China Wuqiao International Circus Festival on Oct. 27-Nov. 4. According to a People’s Daily article “…the organizing committee will, for the first time, invite 12 world renowned magicians to take part in specific competitive performance, among which the U.S. Bubbles Magic will make its worldwide debut in China.” To read the Oct. 11 article titled “China to Hold 8th Wuqiao Int’l Circus Festival” click: HERE.(10/12)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,384 / Saturday – October 13, 2001
Jeff McBride stars in “McBride Magic” at the Claridge Casino in Atlantic City for an eight week run. McBride told MagicTimes that his new show, which is a fusion of his two previous, shows “Abracadazzle!” and “McBride: The Secret Art” will feature Eugene Burger and “many new unseen performance pieces.” The show opens on Saturday Oct. 13 and will run through Dec. 9 with one or two shows daily (except Fridays). Tickets $20 per person and are available by phoning: 800-752-7469 or click: HERE.(10/13)

Paul Daniels’ documentary style TV show, “Paul Daniels in a Black Hole,” is reviewed in the Daily Mail where the pointed out that “Watching Paul sticking posters in shop windows and handing out hundreds of publicity flyers on the streets of Chicago, you understood why he became such a big star in Britain, notched up 600 TV shows and promised Debbie McGee that married life would never be boring.” To read the Oct. 12 review titled “Conjuring Up A Carer” supplied by Yellowbrix and Infoseek click: HERE.
–For a contrasting review of the show from the Evening Standard read the Oct. 12 review titled “A strange kind of magic” by clicking: HERE.(10/13)

October Spook-tacular Magic Shows starring Dorothy Dietrich and John Bravo begin a special three-week run through Oct. 31. The shows are fundraisers to benefit the Houdini Museum in Scranton, PA. They will be presenting three shows per day. Tickets are $7.95-$9.95 per person and are available by phoning: 570-342-5555 or clicking: HERE.(10/13)

Puck, Michael Chaut, Bobby Baxter, Todd Robbins, Frank Brents, Asi Wind and Rich Cohn appear at Monday Night Magic on Oct. 15 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(10/13)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,385 / Sunday – October 14, 2001
The magic scene in the Washington, DC area is featured on the cover of the Washington Post Weekend section with interviews from many of the local magicians. Katherine Rettke, president of IBM Ring 50 explained, “The first time you can see a look of wonder on the face of the person you have performed for, it gives you such a good feeling, like you have just given someone a little gift…That feeling is addictive, and you just get hooked on learning and performing magic.” Magicians mentioned and quoted in the article include Eric Henning, Noland Montgomery, James Munton, Khary Matthews, Eric Redman, Alain Nu, John Kennedy, Al Cohen, Ray Eyler, Dean Alan, Barry Taylor, and Susan Kang. There is also a list of where to see and learn magic in the area. To read the Oct. 12 story by Buzz McClain titled “Do You Believe in Magic?” click: HERE.
–To read a sidebar titled “Tricks Of the Trade” which tells about becoming a magician click: HERE.(10/14)

The Society of American Magician announced a new award to be given to one of the contestants at the 100-year anniversary convention of the SAM held in New York City in July 2002. The winner of the “Centennial Award” will represent the SAM at the FISM 2003 World Magic Congress and the organization will pickup registration, airfare, hotel and travel expenses to The Netherlands.(10/14)

Danny Cole, Paul Green, Ray Pierce & Co., Len Reid, Jarvis, Chris Mitchell, and Chuck Griffith appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Oct. 15-21. Danny Cole lectures on Sunday Oct. 21.(10/14)
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