MT: October 1-7, 2001

VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,372 / Monday – October 1, 2001
The Gamesters, Doug Leferovich and Seth Yudof, have an up tempo new Broadway style magical show, “Manhattan Magic,” running at the Sands Casino in Atlantic City. On the stage where the likes of Frank Sinatra and other great entertainers have played, the Sands’ Copa Room will present the Gamesters through October 31, 2001. “It’s not your typical magic show.” Yudof told MagicTimes, “We’ve got a lot of scenery flying in and we’ve got nine great dancers choreographed by Joshua Bergasse. Magic is used to forward the storyline much as songs are used to forward the storyline in a musical.”  …Go to full story.(10/1)

Irving Tannen died on Monday Oct. 1. Irving Tannen who was in his early 80s was primarily a magic dealer and good demonstrator. He originally worked with his brother Mike Tannen at Circle Magic on Broadway in New York City and later went to work for his older brother Lou Tannen where he eventually became a part owner and president of Louis Tannen, Inc. the largest magic company in the world at the time. He retired in 1978 to Florida where he has been living ever since.(10/1)

Earl Ray Wilcox (Earl Hoyt Wilcox, May 19, 1927-September 29, 2001) died on Saturday at the age of 74. Wilcox was an outstanding stage manipulator who at one time was a very popular magic convention act. He also booked many magicians to shows in the Michigan area and was a magic dealer who authored the booklet “Inter-Lock With Cards And Coins.” Services will be held on Tuesday Oct. 2 at 11am at the Cook Funeral Home, Jenison Chapel (1889 Baldwin Dr.) in Grandville, MI. To read the Oct. 1 obituary from the Grand Rapids Press click: HERE.(10/1)

Eddie Fields (Irving Feldman, February 5, 1915–September 30, 2001) died on Sep. 30 at the age of 86. Fields was a well-known close-up magician, mentalist, pitchman, pool hustler, astrologer, and fortuneteller. Most magicians know him from his books “The Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields,” “A Life Among Secrets” and “Greater Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields.”(10/1)

Hugh Levinson will present a 15-minute radio show titled “The Erdnase Mystery” where he will discuss the history of the classic magic book. The show is scheduled to air on Thursday Oct. 4 at 9:30am on BBC Radio Four in the UK.(10/1)

Glen David Gold’s ”Carter Beats the Devil” is reviewed in the New York Times where it is described as, “His book, which is a work of fiction built around a framework of real-life characters and events, is simply a grand story told well, in plain language that glows with bare-bones elegance. It’s a class act.” To read the Sep. 30 review by Stephanie Zacharek titled “‘Carter Beats the Devil’: Something Up His Sleeve” click: HERE. (A Member Site).(10/1)
–To buy the book for $17.46 click: HERE.

“Two Hussies: Ricky Jay & David Mamet” is a talk given by Jay and Mamet on Thursday Oct. 4 at 8pm at the Town Hall (123 West 43rd St.) in New York City. Admission is $25 per person. Tickets can be purchased by phone: 212-307-4100 or by clicking: HERE.(10/1)

Jerry Sadowitz performes at Carnegie Hall (01383-314000) in Dunfermline on Oct. 2 and at the Whitehall Theatre (01382-322684) in Dundee, Scotland on Oct. 3.(10/1)

GEORGIA: The Georgia Magic Club (IBM Ring 9) and the Atlanta Society of Magicians (SAM Assembly 30) are presenting, “Magic for Heroes,” a benefit show on Friday Oct. 5 at 7:30pm at the Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church (471 Mt. Vernon Highway) in Sandy Springs. Scheduled performers are: Dale Adamson, Rick Hinze, Scott Horn, Howie Marmer, Doyne Michie, Bill Packard, Rolando Santos, Ken Scott, Rick Silverstein, and Joe Turner. Admission will be by donation with proceeds going to the American Red Cross. For tickets and information click: HERE.(10/1)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,373 / Tuesday – October 2, 2001
Penn & Teller perform throughout the East Coast with shows at the McCarter Theatre in Princeton, NJ (Oct. 3-4), Count Basie Theatre in Red Bank, NJ (6), Staller Center in Stony Brook, NY (7), Auditorium Centre in Rochester, NY (10), Grand Opera House in Wilmington, DE (11), New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, NJ (12-13), State Theatre in Easton, PA (14), Center for the Arts in Buffalo, NY (17),  Proctor’s Theatre in Schenectady, NY (18), Foxwoods in Ledyard, CT (19-20), and back to the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas on Oct. 25 through Nov. 11.(10/2)

The Pendragons’ show is reviewed in The Commercial Appeal where it is described as “…watching master technicians, like The Pendragons, perform sleight-of-hand is just a cool spectacle to witness.” To read the Oct. 1 review by Donnie Snow titled “The Pendragons take magic to new heights” click: HERE.(10/2)

Steve Wyrick is taking time off during the slowdown in Las Vegas for knee surgery. To read the Sep. 30 Las Vegas Review-Journal article by Mike Weatherford titled “Tapes still rolling at tributes” click: HERE.(10/2)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,374 / Wednesday – October 3, 2001
The filming of Penn & Teller’s Magic and Mystery Tour is discussed with the director Ric Esther Bienstock who said “The magic in India, it’s not like, ‘Oh my God, that’s the best sleight of hand I’ve ever seen… It’s more about the style, and what they do, and the fact that they scare their audiences into giving them money. They cut their child’s tongue off and imply that they need money to get it back.” The National Post article quotes Penn Jillette from The New York Observer about the governments of Egypt and India, they “curtailed freedoms, limited competition — and produced sucky magicians.” To read the Oct. 2 story by Benjamin Errett titled “A tough act to follow” click: HERE.(10/3)

Penn & Teller’s Magic And Mystery Tour is featured in a Toronto Sun article where they quote Penn Jillette about the performance of the famed mango tree routine he saw in India, “Seeing it done and how they violated the natural feeling of trust was amazing… On one level, what a lousy trick it was and on another level, what a brilliant trick it was. It was both at once.” To read the Oct. 2 article by Bill Brioux titled “The world of magic” click: HERE.(10/3)

The Erdnase Mystery, 15-minute radio show, which airs in the UK on BBC Radio 4 on Thursday Oct. 4 from 9:30am to 9:45am is scheduled to feature conversations with Roger Crosthwaite, Darwin Ortiz, David Alexander and Bart Whaley. BBC4 streams it’s programming on the web and can be heard worldwide live. They also archive many of the programs so if you miss it you might still have a chance to listen to the program. Information can be found on their website by clicking: HERE.(10/3)

An Audience with Paul Daniels travels throughout the United Kingdom in October with performances at the Majestic Theatre in Retford (Oct. 5), Grand Theatre in Lancaster (6), Whitehall theatre in Dundee (7), Limerick University Concert Hall in Limerick (10), Dean Crowe Theatre in Athlone (11), Arts Centre in Mullingar (12), The Forum Theatre in Waterford (13), Siamsa Tire Theatre in Tralee (14), The Opera House in Cork (15), The Civic Theatre in Ballymena (17), The Market Square Theatre in Armagh (18), The Rialto in Derry (19), The Opera House in Belfast (21), The Town Hall Theatre in Galway (22), The Bridge House Centre in Tullaghmore (23), Riverside Park in Enniscorthy (24), The National Concert Hall in Dublin (25), and The Bridgeford Centre in Drogheda (26).(10/3)

OHIO: Jeff McBride will be performing and lecturing in Toledo, OH for Michael Night Entertainmet. On Friday Oct. 5 at 7:30pm McBride will give a special performance/lecture and on Sunday at 10am he will present one of his Secret Sessions seminars. McBride will also be presenting his full evening show as a fundraiser for the St. Vincent’s Hospital on Saturday. For more information phone Michael Night at: 419-486-3187 click: HERE.(10/3)

VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,375 / Thursday – October 4, 2001
Marc Salem’s Mind Games opens at the Hampstead Theatre (98 Avenue Road, Swiss Cottage) in London with a special three-week run on Oct. 8-28. The show came about after Salem’s critically acclaimed run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.  The Independent pointed out that “500 years ago Salem would have been burnt at the stake – or found himself soothsayer for king and country.” Following the run in London Salem will open with a new show at the Duke Theatre in New York on Nov. 20. Tickets are £14 per person and are available by phone: 020 7722 9301 or click: HERE.(10/4)
–To read some reviews from the Edinburgh Festival click: HERE.

Ricky Jay was interviewed on Sep. 28 on KCRW Radio by Elvis Mitchell on The Treatment. Jay divulges new information about the characters in his new book “Jay’s Journal of Anomalies” and reads several passages from the book. The 30-minute show can be heard on the web by clicking: HERE.(10/4)

MICHIGAN: Tom Craven, Karl Norman, Gordon Miller, and Hank Moorehouse are the featured lecturers at Abbott’s Triple Play Lecture Day on Saturday Oct. 6 in Colon. In addition to the lectures they promise special sales, auctions and surprises. Registration is $35 in advance, $40 at the door. For more information click: HERE.(10/4)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,376 / Friday – October 5, 2001
NEW JERSEY: Paul Gertner, Eric Buss, Eric DeCamps, Peter White, Bob Jepson, Mike & Mike, and Joe Holiday & Sharon appear at Magic Funday on Sunday Oct. 7 at 10am –10pm at their new location at the Villagers Theatre (475 DeMott Lane) in Somerset. This year the day is being sold ala cart so you only pay for what you want to attend — there will be three lectures, a master class, an evening show, an auction, a dealer’s room and much more. Attendance is limited to 200 people. For more information and registration click: HERE.(10/5)

An open mike night for magicians at Bourbon Street (407 Amsterdam Ave) in New York City on Sunday Oct. 7. Admission is $9 per person. For more information click: HERE.(10/5)

Peter Lamont describes the famed Indian rope trick as “the biggest miracle outside organised religion” in an Evening News-Edinburgh article. Lamont states, “Like most people I would love to see some genuine magic. I would love to be able to perform some genuine magic. Until I can, I’ll just have to work for a living.” To read the Oct. 3 article titled “A magical mystery tour” supplied by Yellowbrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(10/5)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,377 / Saturday – October 6, 2001
George W. Kirkendall who manufactured the finest Reels in magic died on Sep. 29 at the age of 69. Kirkendall was best known in the Bizarre Magick circles for a routine he used to perform where the skin would apparently melt off his face until only a skeleton would remain. He performed this at a number of magic conventions and later marketed the routine on an exclusive basis. Often while attending a magic convention he would hold private demonstrations in his hotel room for prospective purchasers. Kirkendall also wrote “You Like To See” and the “Care And Feeding Of A Reel.” Services were held on Tuesday Oct. 2 and a Graveside service took place on Wednesday at Glen Rest Cemetery in Columbus, OH.(10/6)

Adam Williams is featured in the Venice Magazine where they report that “Adam was featured recently on a new MTV show to be broadcast this fall and his web site has received a lot of media attention for the way he has used it to market himself.” To read the September article by David Beebe titled “Williams Magic Man” click: HERE.(10/6)

David Oliver, Jeff Moche, Master Lee, Rich Marotta, Belinda Sinclair, Michael Chaut, and Rich Marotta appear at Monday Night Magic on Oct. 8 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(10/6)

“An Anthology of Stage Magic” featuring Marco the Magi, Le Grand David and the principal performers of the Le Grand David Magic Company opens it’s new season with a show on Saturday Oct. 6 at the Larcom Theatre in Beverly, MA. The show will be repeated on Oct. 20. For tickets and information phone: 978-927-3677.(10/6)

NEW JERSEY: Bill Wisch presents his new “Sleightly Out Of My Mind” lecture on Monday Oct. 8 for SAM Assembly #161 at The Willows (1013 Washington Avenue) in Greenbrook. For more information click: HERE.(10/6)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,378 / Sunday – October 7, 2001
“Magic: The Science of Illusion” exhibit opened at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History on Saturday Oct. 6. A Star-Telegram story about the exhibit described why magic works, “The reason magic works is based in science, psychology, math, physics, optics, basic human perception… Showmanship is the biggest part; otherwise, it’s a science demonstration.” The rest of the article discusses how attendees will learn magic at the exhibit. Magicians mentioned in the article are Penn & Teller and Doug Henning. The exhibit is open daily through Jan. 21, 2002. To read the Oct. 5 article by Amanda Rogers titled “Do you believe in magic? Become a magician yourself at hands-on exhibit that explores the science of illusion” click: HERE.(10/7)

David Copperfield performs in Germany, Switzerland and Austria during October with shows in Hamburg, Germany (Oct. 7-8), Munich, Germany (11-14), Zurich, Switzerland (17-21), Regensburg, Germany (23-25) and Wein, Austria (27-30).(10/7)

Doc Eason, Eric Mead, Bob Dorian, Steve Hart, Hillel, Lorenzo Clark, Steve Hart appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Oct. 8-14. Steve Hart lectures on Sunday Oct. 14.(10/7)

NEW JERSEY: David “Silly Billy” Kaye lectures on Wednesday Oct. 10 at 8pm for JMMRT at the V.F.W. (Pennsylvania Railroad Ave., two blocks from the NJ Transit — Linden train station) in Linden, New Jersey. Cost to non-members is $12. For more information phone Carl Bajor at: 732-969-2566 or click: HERE.(10/7)
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