MT: May 14-20, 2001

VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,232 / Monday – May 14, 2001
Lennart Green is profiled in a Sacramento Bee article, which introduces him as, “Working the night shift in a prison’s mental institution had the surprising result of spurring Lennart Green’s love affair with magic.” Green also explains how he got into magic, why he gave up his medical practice, his recent award from the Magic Castle and what attracts people to becoming magicians. Explaining what attracts him to magic, he said, “…you have it all with magic, …I stay all over the world and meet exciting, interesting, funny people, from scientists and Nobel Prize winners to airplane constructors, because of my magic. And I have fun, too. Besides, magic is a challenge for my mind, and what else is important in life?” To read the May 13 story by Patricia Beach Smith titled “Life is magic for trickster Lennart Green” click: HERE.(5/14)

The upcoming “Convention at the Capital” in Rancho Cordova, CA is featured in the Sacramento Bee. Magicians mentioned in the article are Mike Maxwell, Paul Gertner, Simon Lovell, David Regal, Twila Zone, Lennart Green, Paul Wilson, and Chuck Fayne. To read the may 13 article by Patricia Beach Smith titled “Demonstrations, lectures planned for convention” click: HERE.(5/14)

Goldfinger & Dove, Bill Goldman, Rafael Benatar, Randy Pryor, Fr. Jim Blantz, Bill Chaudet, David Zirbel, and Jeanine Anderson appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on May 14-20. Bill Goldman lectures on Sunday May 20.(5/14)

CALIFORNIA: The 9th annual Convention at the Capital features Jerry Andrus, David Regal, Ray Kosby, Paul Gertner, Martin A. Nash, Lennart Green, Daryl, John Carney, Paul Wilson, Alfonso, Chuck Fayne, Dean Dill, Bob Kohler, Simon Lovell, and Rich Marotta & Twila Zone on May 17-20 at the Rancho Sheraton Hotel in Rancho Cordova. Registration is $175 per person. For more information click: HERE.(5/14)
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,233 / Tuesday – May 15, 2001
Steve Cohen’s show, “Chamber Magic: A Demonstration of Modern Conjuring,” which previewed to a capacity audience last month will begin a short run at the prestigious National Arts Club at Gramercy Park in New York City on May 18.  Shows are also scheduled on May 25, June 1, 7 and 22 with two shows per night (7pm and 9pm). Shows are limited to 35 people and admission is $35 per person. For reservations phone: 917-361-8751.(5/15)

Phil Dalton who will be riding a unicycle from Los Angeles to Cincinnati later this month in an effort to raise money and awareness for Dr. (Stanislaw) Burzynski and his Houston clinic is featured in a Cincinnati Enquirer article. To read the May 13 by Jim Knippenberg titled “Unicycling across country” click: HERE.(5/15)

NEW JERSEY: Torkova lectures on Friday May 18 at 8pm for SAM Assembly #25 at the VFW Hall (Veterans Place) in Elmwood Park. Admission is free to members — guests will pay a small admission fee.(5/15)

NEW YORK CITY: Harvey Berg lectures on Friday, May 18 at 7pm for SAM Assembly #1 at Fordham University (113 West 60th Street, Room 1124) in Manhattan. Admission is limited to members of SAM#1 only.(5/15)

ENGLAND: Bob King lectures on Friday May 18 for the Cardiff Magical Society in Sout Wales at the New House Hotel (Cearphilly Road) in Cardiff. Admission is free to members and £5.00 for non-members. For more information phone: 02920-777321 or e-mail:
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,234 / Wednesday – May 16, 2001
The massive magic collection of Dr. Etienne Marteret will be auctioned off on May 21-22 at the Drouot Richelieu in Paris. Many of the leading magic collectors worldwide will be in Paris for this extraordinary auction that features 677 lots of 19th and 20th century books, manuscripts, tricks, automatons, Houdin clocks, posters and much more. For those of you who cannot make it to Paris you can still view and bid on the items through the web by signing up with (for free), which will run the live auction.
–For the May 21 items click: HERE.
–For the May 22 items click: HERE.(5/16)

John Shryock & Mari Lynn are featured in a Arizona Daily Star article which also mentions Greg Frewin, Norm Marini, Amanda Michelle & Stuart Carlton, Alex Aikin, Christian & Katalina Painter, and Matt Lemm & Emily Smith. To read the May 11 story titled “A gathering of magicians, or just an illusion?” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(5/16)
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,235 / Thursday – May 17, 2001
David Copperfield conducted a live chat on the web on May 15 at 6pm for USA Today where he answered questions from fans from around the world. Asked about how he learned magic he said (wrote), “I started by watching other magicians do it, by reading all the books in the library, and inventing tricks. It came quite naturally to me.” Some of the questions received funny answers like, “We used the masked magician as a crash test dummy for Tornado of Fire, but he was safe, because s— doesn’t burn.” To read the transcript of the May 15 chat with David Copperfield click: HERE.(5/17)

Michael Vincent who was hired to do two five-hour sessions of his Magic of Networking course for Scotland Yard had the venues for the shows shifted according to This Is London. A source is said to the paper, “…the matter was highly sensitive and the shows were being held at secret locations to foil prying eyes.” To read the May 16 story by Tom Sykes titled “Met makes magic show disappear” click: HERE.(5/17)

Siegfried & Roy and David Copperfield visited Ken Klosterman’s magic collection days apart according to a Cincinnati Enquirer article. To read the May 8 article by Jim Knippenberg titled “Opera has no reason to fear no-shows” click: HERE.(5/17)
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,236 / Friday – May 18, 2001
David Copperfield’s new show, “Portal,” is reviewed in the Washington Post where he is described as, “Copperfield is plenty confident, but he doesn’t insist that the audience react to each illusion as if he’d just discovered fire. Striding around the stage in black pants, a white T-shirt and an unbuttoned blue oxford-cloth, making cheesy jokes and flashing his handsome devil grin, Copperfield is surprisingly casual at his business.” The show is described as, “…an unexpectedly low-key show, despite high-tech flourishes that include a video camera that frequently projects Copperfield’s close-up mug, along with whatever details he wants you to follow, onto a jumbo screen.” To read the May 17 story by Nelson Pressley titled “Copperfield, Casually Amazing” click: HERE.(5/18)

Denis Kovkiv, a ten-year-old magician from Philadelphia, won a magic competition at the Franklin Institute’s exhibit, Magic: The Science of Illusion, last month and the prize is an opportunity to perform for David Copperfield. The performance will take place at the Tweeter Center on May 19 at 9:45pm (after Copperfield completes his third show that day).(5/18)

MARYLAND: Ben Robinson lectures on Sunday May 20 at 2pm at Denny & Lee Magic Studio (325 South Marlyn Avenue) in Baltimore. Admission is $15 per person. For more information phone: 410-686-3914.(5/18)

CALIFORNIA: Rafael Benatar lectures in Orange County on Saturday May 19 at 5pm. For more information e-mail: David Thorsen at
Paul Cummins demonstrates some killer coin magic from his “Up In Smoke” video during intermission at his lecture in Linden, New Jersey on May 16.(5/18)
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,237 / Saturday – May 19, 2001
VA, NC, SC, FL: George Schindler will be presenting his lecture, during a short tour through the East Coast, on the way to the Florida State Convention in Tampa, FL on May 25-27 where he will be presenting his stage act and Emceeing one of the shows. You can catch is lectures at Chapman’s Magic in Newport News, VA on May 21 at 7pm (phone: 957-595-5917), at SAM Assembly #128 in Winston-Salem, NC on May 22 at 7pm (phone: 336-760-3226), and at Conley Magic in No. Myrtle Beach, SC on May 23 (phone: 843-445-9952).(5/19)

David Copperfield and his “Portal” show are previewed in the Philadelphia Daily News where he explains the title to his new show, “You can take whatever you want out of a portal. The portal of imagination. The portal to dreams. A portal that takes you around the world. But it’s not a Porto-potty.” To read the May 18 story titled “Tattling with… David Copperfield” click: HERE.(5/19)

Penn & Teller received the 2001 Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award from the Creative Coalition in New York City on Friday. Their spokesman Glen Alai explained about the Flag Burning routine in a Las Vegas Sun article, “In the beginning the crowds were a little uncomfortable, but (Penn & Teller) talk about the trick while they’re performing, and the reaction has been good.” To read the May 18 article by Kate Maddox titled “Postrio home to cash advances” click: HERE.(5/19)

Ricky Jay will be starring in the David Mamet movie, “Heist”, which will be released later this year. Also in the movie are: Gene Hackman, Danny De Vito, Rebecca Pidgeon, Delroy Lindo and Sam Rockwell.(5/19)

CALIFORNIA: Danny Cole lectures on Monday May 21 at 7pm at Mind Over Magic (2214 Burbank Blvd.) in Burbank. Admission is $25 per person. For more information phone: 818-562-1921.(5/19)
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,238 / Sunday – May 20, 2001
Adam Blumenthal performs at a Harry Potter themed event at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum this weekend and is profiled in a New York Post story where he explained how he got hooked on magic, “I had a magician at one of my pre-K birthday parties… The next year, when he came back, I asked my mom if she could have him teach us all a simple trick. And he did.” Also mentioned in the article are Tannen’s Magic Shop, Tannen’s Magic Camp and Tannen’s Jubilee which he credits for helping him discover magic. To read the May 19 story by Bully Heller titled “Magical Mystery And More” click: HERE.(5/20)

Kudroli Ganesh made minister B. Ramanath Rai disappear in Bangalore and according to a Times of India story, “Immediately Ganesh said the minister had appeared at Moti Mahal, which was confirmed by the minister on the mobile phone (from the hotel) and also by DySP T C M Sharief, who personally went to escort the minister back to the Town Hall.” To read the May 20 story titled “Minister does the disappearing act” click: HERE.(5/20)

R.J. Lewis, Rich Bloch, Jeff Moche, Jamy Ian Swiss, Per Eklund, Frank Brents, and Michael Chaut appear at Monday Night Magic on May 21 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(5/20)

OREGON: Carl Andrews lectures on May 23 for SAM Assembly #59 in Portland (e-mail: and on May 24 for IBM Ring #238 in Albany (e-mail:
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