MT: March 2-8, 1998

VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 63 / Monday – March 2, 1998
Meir Yedid is lecturing for the Rhode Island Society of Magicians, in Providence, RI on Mar. 3. For info call: Bruce Kalver at 401-467-8749.(3/2)

Jim Krenz is performing his lecture of original magic on Mar. 2-6 in the East Coast. Mar. 2, Philadelphia, call Marc at: 610-941-4132. Mar. 3, Wheaton, MD, call Barry at: 301-933-0373. Mar. 4, Baltimore, call Denny at: 410-686-3914. Mar. 5, Linden, NJ, call Al: 732-257-3456. Mar. 6, New York City, SAM#1 members only.(3/2)

A magician whose escape stunt went awry is featured on “Rescue 911” Monday, Mar. 2 at 8pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(3/2)

Appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, Mar. 2-8 are: David Regal, Jeff Parmer, Mark Haslam, Fernando Keops, Whit Haydn, Christopher Hart, and Jason Byrne.(3/2)
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 64 / Tuesday – March 3, 1998 
“Breaking the Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 2″ airs on Tuesday, Mar. 3, 9pm ET on the FOX-TV network (US). This time they will expose: a phone booth filled with water escape, levitation of a woman on a motorcycle, shooting an arrow through an assistant and walking through a wall. Preceding the show at 8pm will be a re-run of last year’s show. The masked magician is widely reported to be Valentino and the producers are Nash Entertainment.(3/3)
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 65 / Wednesday – March 4, 1998
The East Rand Magic Society is having a Convention in Johannesburg, South Africa on Aug. 7-10. The convention will feature mainly South African Magicians but spots are available for Dealers, performers and conventioneers who wish to attend. For more information e-mail Paul Malek at:

Penn & Teller appear at the Museum of TV & Radio 1998 William S. Paley Festival in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, Mar. 7.(3/4)
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 66 / Thursday – March 5, 1998
On Sunday Feb. 8, while driving home from Atlantic City, Jack Ferero (former partner of Louis Tannen, Inc.) and his wife Annett were forced off the road by a hit and run driver and the car swerved into a tree and was totaled. The Air Bags saved their lives and they are now in rehab. Remaining injuries include a crushed left leg (Jack) and a fractured right leg (Annett). No date has been set for their release from the rehab center. You can write them at: Jack & Annett Ferero, 22 Parkview Ave, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407.(3/5)
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 67 / Friday – March 6, 1998
Lee Darrow, hypnotist and magician performs on Friday Mar. 6, at 8pm for Northwestern’s 24th annual Dance Marathon to raise money for victims of child abuse at the La Rabida Children’s Hospital and Research Center. Events are at the Norris University Center in Chicago.(3/6)

The Fox exposure shows got very good ratings but did not live up to last years numbers. Overall they were number one for the two hour slot with an 11.0/17. The rerun averaged a 10.0/16 which was down from the 15.0/22 it averaged last November. Breaking the Code 2 averaged a 12.0/18. The interesting statistic is that it finished third for the night among the 18-49 age group and last years advertisers were, on the most part, not a part of this special.(3/6)
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 68 / Saturday – March 7, 1998
A-1 Multimedia Partnership (the leading producer of magic videos) which is owned by Mike Maxwell and Mark Murphy was legally dissolved on Feb. 26. Beginning Feb. 27 Mike Maxwell became the sole proprietor and is now doing business as A-1 Multimedia.(3/7)
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 69 / Sunday – March 8, 1998
“Secrets Revealed – Episode 2” will expose a levitation on Mar. 8 at 9pm and 12am and on Mar. 14 at 6pm ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(3/8)

The 21st Desert Magic Seminar takes place on Mar. 8-11 at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas. Featured performers are: Lance Burton, Paul Daniels, Netcheporenko, Flicking Fingers, Guy Hollingworth, Harry Riser, Jade, Pam Thompson, Becky Blaney, Lisa Menna, Juliana Chen and Siegfried & Roy. For info call: 316-683-9582. or visit their website at:

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