MT: March 16-22, 1998

VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 77 / Monday – March 16, 1998
Appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, Mar. 16-23 are: Pit Hartling, Rainer Pfeiffer, Jorg Willich, Nikolai Friedrich, Dana Daniels, Mystina and John Shryock.(3/16)

Larry Maples & Raven, Todd Robbins and Gerry McCambridge appear at Monday Night Magic on Mar. 16 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(3/16)

The World’s Greatest Magic II airs on Monday, Mar. 16 at 7pm on FAM-TV (US-cable). Dirk Arthur, Max Maven, Penn and Teller and Melinda are among the performers.(3/16)

“The Mad Magician” starring Vincent Price and Eva Gabor airs on Monday, Mar. 16 at 7:15am on AMC-TV (US-cable).(3/16)
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 78 / Tuesday – March 17, 1998 
Magic themed Banacek episode on Tuesday, Mar. 17 at 3:30pm ET on A&E (US-cable-TV).(3/17)
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 79 / Wednesday – March 18, 1998
Rich Bloch and Nick Ruggiero, owners of Collectors Workshop in Washington DC, have gone into partnership with Stevens Magic Emporium to produce future “Desert Magic Seminars.” The Desert Seminar, held in Las Vegas and produced by SME, has been one of the leading magic conventions for the past 21 years.(3/18)

SAM Assembly #161 in Greenbrook, NJ has been renamed the “David Copperfield Assembly of the Society of American Magicians.” The dedication took place at the NJPAC on Wednesday Mar. 11 after Copperfield’s show. Around 60 magicians and their friends attended.(3/18)
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 80 / Thursday – March 19, 1998
Danny Archer, Eric Buss, Jerry Camaro, Rick Fisher, Kevin James, Owen Redwine, Jay Sankey and Rebekah Yen appear at the 26th Annual Glass City Conjurors Conclave on Mar. 20 & 21. The convention is sponsored by The Toledo Society of Magicians and is held at the Ramada Hotel 2429 S. Reynolds Road in Toledo, OH. For more information e-mail Michael Night at
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 81 / Friday – March 20, 1998
MAJOKE, The Incoherent Magazine For Magicians (produced by Evil Five Productions in Las Vegas), is the most talked about magic product in years. It is a parody which makes fun of the leading magic magazine, it’s advertisers, columnists and the magicians it reports on. Even though much of it is hysterical and produced for entertainment purposes, many have been offended and some are threatening legal action. You can purchase your copy and see for yourself from:

Magie Montreal will be held in Montreal on March 21-22. Appearing are Lennart Green, Jim Pace, Michael Grasso, The Maestro, Obie O’Brien, Richard Hughes, Ken McCreedy, and Tony Eng & Company. For info. call (514) 738-4176, fax (514) 738-9738 or e-mail
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 82 / Saturday – March 21, 1998
Eddie Tullock, Dick Gustafson, Jania Taylor and Rich Bloch are among the featured performers at “Magic Funday” on Sunday Mar. 22 at the Ukranian Cultural Center in Somerset, NJ. For info call: 732-291-7323.(3/21)
VOLUME: 3 / ISSUE: 83 / Sunday – March 22, 1998
Many authentic Frank Garcia items will be offered for sale on Mar. 22 at “Magic Funday” by Joe Hernandez, who acquired the items after Garcia’s death. If you can’t make it to the NJ convention you can e-mail Hernandez at:
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