MT: June 1 – 7, 1998

VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 154 / Monday – June 1, 1998
Avner The Eccentric, Chiffo & Hughes and Michael Douglas appear in “Share the Magic” on Tuesday June 2 at the Hudson Theatre in NYC. Net proceeds from the show will be used to support the “American Cancer Society’s Mark Nathan Sicher Share The Magic Childhood Cancer Program.” To make a donation or purchase tickets contact the American Cancer Society at 212-237-3854.(6/1)

David Copperfield’s June appearances: Ford Center for the Performing Arts, Toronto, Canada (June 2-7), and Caesars, Atlantic City, NJ (June 11-14).(6/1)

Appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, June. 1-7 are: David Malek, David Groves, Chris De Palma, Bruce Gold, Yonkany & Anabel, Sylvester the Jester, and Steve Ringel.(6/1)

Todd Robbins, Jania Taylor, Frank Brents, Mike Stevens, Michael Chaut, R.J. Lewis, Lennert Green, and Alba appear at the Monday Night Magic Jam Night on June 1. Tickets are $12 in advance and $17.50 at the door. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(6/1)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 155 / Tuesday – June 2, 1998 
Penn & Teller appear at the Shubert Theater in Chicago IL on Jun. 2 through 14.(6/2)

“Great Magic of Las Vegas IV” featuring Craig Dickens, Christopher Broughton, Tom Ogden, Joe Monti and Brad Byers airs on Wednesday Jun. 3 at 6pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(6/2)

Siegfried & Roy’s last TV special airs on Wednesday Jun. 3 at 7pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(6/2)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 156 / Wednesday – June 3, 1998
“If magicians can do anything so-called psychics can do, and we know the magicians are faking, why do so many people believe the psychics are for real?” James Randi answered that question at a May 22-24 conference in Pasadena. You can read more about it in an article by Linda Seeback by clicking HERE.(6/3)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 157 / Thursday – June 4, 1998
Michael Ammar, Avner the Eccentric, Robert Baxt, Robert Bengel, Marcelo Contento, Eric DeCamps, Marc DeSouza, Craig Dickson, Eric Dockery, John Ferrantino, Bob King, Michael P. Lair, Todd MacDonald, Billy Naughton, Jay Sankey, and Belinda Sinclair appear at “Magic On Manhattan II” on Jun. 4-6 at the Hotel New Yorker (corner of 34th Street and 8th Ave. in NYC). For info call: 516-483-9610.(6/4)

An interview with Penn Jillette by Stephen Thompson appears in the Jun. 3 issue of The Onion’s A.V. Club. Last week they ran a rare interview with Teller. To read the archived Teller interview click: HERE.(6/4)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 158 / Friday – June 5, 1998
“Women Of Magic Beyond Your Dreams” opened at the Claridge Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City, NJ on Jun. 2 and is scheduled to run through July 27. The show features the comedy magic of Becky Blaney and the illusions of Joanie Spina. Tickets are $15 each and are available from Ticketmaster or by calling: 800-736-1420. The show is dark most weekends.(6/5)

Orin Shemin presents his one man psychic phenomena “ESP 2000” show on Saturday Jun. 6 at 8pm at the Reconstructionist Temple Beth Israel in Maywood, NJ. Tickets are $15, for more info call: 201-836-2777.(6/5)

Joe Romano performs two magic shows on Saturday Jun. 6 at the annual Charles County Chamber of Commerce Trade Show and Marketplace at the Charles County Fairgrounds, (off Crain Highway in La Plata, MD). The free shows are at 1 and 3pm. For info call: 301-932-6500.(6/5)

“Secrets Revealed–Episode 2: More Secrets Revealed” exposes magic on Saturday Jun. 6 at 9pm and midnight ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(6/5)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 159 / Saturday – June 6, 1998
“Psychic Ghost Theatre,” by Barry Taylor and Susan Kang got a very nice write-up in the May 13 issue of the Washington Post. Lloyd Rose writes, “The opportunity to see magic done this close – as compared with David Copperfield at the cavernous Patriot Center – is more than a treat, it’s almost a luxury.” If you are near the Washington DC area visit the Psychic Ghost Theatre (11234 Georgia Ave. in Wheaton, MD), shows are every Friday and Saturday night, tickets are $40, for info call: 301-946-2882. To read the full review click: HERE.(6/6)

On Jun. 4 at Laura Belle, a NYC restaurant, Bill Herz did the unveiling of Grand Bay Hotels and Resorts by producing the two CEOs whose companies merged to create this chain. Then he changed a silk banner which had the two company names on it into a banner naming the new company.(6/6)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 160 / Sunday – June 7, 1998
A study of the “magic” and apparent miracles mentioned in the Old Testament assesses whether the stories can be scientifically explained; whether the occurrences really happened; and why magic is forbidden according to the Bible, on “Mysteries of the Bible” on Sunday Jun. 7 at 4pm ET on A&E-TV (US-cable).(6/7)

Harry Anderson hosts “Disneyland Story” on Monday Jun 8 at 11pm ET on DIS-TV (US-cable).(6/7)

Harley Newman, Robert Baxt, and Todd Robbins appear at Monday Night Magic on Jun. 8 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(6/7)

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