MT: July 26-August 1, 1999

VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 574 / Monday – July 26, 1999
Mr. Marick (Japan’s Uri Geller) presented his first TV special in eight years on Jul. 23 on TBS-TV (Japan). He claimed that his psychic powers have increased in the past eight years which allowed him to come back. He is making his debut in conjunction with Nostradamus’ prediction that the world will end this month.(7/26)

Lorena Brazil, Chappy Brazil’s wife, has filed a lawsuit against the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Edward Jones and the Nevada Power Co. on Monday Jul. 19 for violations of Brazil’s civil rights which caused his death on Jun. 28, 1998 in the head-on collision with a speeding police car. To read Joe Schoenmann article about the details of the case in the Jul. 20 Las Vegas Review-Journal click: HERE.(7/26)

Monte Smith, Dean Dill, Rich Bloch, Victor & Diamond, Mark Edward, Cheri Soleil, Hans Davis, and J. C. Dunn appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Jul. 26-Aug. 1. Brandon Scott lectures on Sunday Aug. 1.(7/26)
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 575 / Tuesday – July 27, 1999
Last week in MagicTimes (7/23) we reported that the International Society For Paranormal Research (ISPR) has announced that they will accept the $1,000,000 James Randi Foundation Challenge. What we did not know is that they never bothered to contact the Randi Foundation about the challenge. To win the million dollars they intend on stopping Randi’s heart by psychic means. At their press conference they were asked if they had tried this before – the answer was NO! When asked if they should have tried this before making the challenge their answer was, “Trust me. We have been doing this a long time. We are professionals. We know it will work…” and, “…We have God on our side.” Most likely this is a publicity stunt to get press for the individuals concerned and tie it in with a new movie about ghosts which opened that day. The ISPR’s website states that their “attorneys will be forwarding the appropriate paperwork to James Randi later on in the week…” To read ISPR’s take on this challenge click: HERE.(7/27)

John “Big Daddy Cool” Pyka doing close-up at the Chapel Dinner Theater in Nashville, TN on Jul. 22-31. He performs during dinner, prior to the performance of “Annie Get Your Gun.” (7/27)

Real TV features a magician with fire on Thursday Jul. 29 at 1:30pm and Friday Jul. 30 at 4:30am on WB-TV (US). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(7/27)
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 576 / Wednesday – July 28, 1999
Franz Harary’s new show ImagineNation runs through Aug. 28 at Resorts International in Atlantic City. In an interview in the Bergen Record he discusses the spirituality he has added to the show and how he will use a magic wand for the first time, a wand which was handed down through 26 generations of magicians. Discussing his original goals to be an actor he said, “My career never really went in the direction I wanted it to go … But where I am right now … eclipses anywhere I might be [in musical theater].” Also in the article is mention of Summer Splash at the Showboat which stars Bruce Block. To read the Jul. 23 article by Chuck Darrow click: HERE.(7/28)

World’s Greatest Magic II starring Ayala & Lillia, Jason Byrne, Brett Daniels, Luis De Matos, Jeff Hobson, Amazing Jonathan, Mark Kalin & Ginger, Mac King, Rene Lavand, Max Maven, Jeff McBride, Melinda, Penn & Teller, and Rick Thomas reruns on Thursday Jul. 29 at 7pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(7/28)
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 577 / Thursday – July 29, 1999
On Sunday Aug. 1 at 9pm in Adrian, Michigan Stuart MacDonald will jump into 12 feet of water while wearing a straitjacket and wrapped in iron chains. The event he calls “The Escape of the Century” is a fundraiser of the American Cancer Society. Prior to the escape a giant TV screen will show a 15-minute documentary describing his preparations for the stunt and during the underwater escape a camera will be following the action. To read Tom Long’s Jul. 28 column in The Detroit News click: HERE.(7/29)
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 578 / Friday – July 30, 1999
A PAX-TV talent show “From Hawaii … Destination Stardom” will feature two Hawaii magicians: Gerald Rojo II and Carlos da Silva II. The show which has auditioned more than 4,300 performers will be taping 26 shows from Aug. 5-Sep.7 with a tentative air date for the first show on Aug. 23. The tapings take place at the Hawaii Convention Center in Hawaii. The show will most likely be using other magicians as well. Auditions were held in 17 cities.(7/30)

Roger Klause has just been added to the Onyx convention lineup. He will be taking David Solomon’s place in joining Allan Ackerman, Jerry Andrus, Paul Cummins, Wesley James, and Dan MacMillan, at the Onyx Convention on Sep. 24-26 at the Sheraton in Colorado Springs. For more information e-mail Ken Simmons at:
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 579 / Saturday – July 31, 1999
Belgian doctors reported this month in The Lancet that blowing up Balloons caused a magician to have a chronic dry cough and shortness of breath. To test their theory they had the 34-year old magician blow up balloons for one hour and then measured how much talc dust he inhaled. In one hour he was exposed to two-thirds of the daily limit for talc exposure set by the A.C.G.I.H. He was advised to quit blowing up balloons and was given a dose of steroids. His lungs went back to normal within a few months. Talc is a mineral used to keep rubber products from sticking and is found in balloons. In an unrelated story the current New England Journal of Medicine reported of a man with a chronic cough and scarring of his lungs which was due to his job in a rubber band factory. In conclusion: making a balloon animal once in a while will not hurt you, but if you make thousands of them you should consider a pump before it is too late.(7/31)

Magic themed King of the Hill titled “Sleight of Hank” on Sunday Aug. 1 at 7:30pm ET on FOX-TV (US).(7/31)
VOLUME: 20 / ISSUE: 580 / Sunday – August 1, 1999
David Copperfield spends August, with his new show “U!”, touring through Japan where he regularly sells-out at very high ticket prices and scalpers have a field day. He will be at the Kobe World Hall in Kobe (Aug. 1-3), Nagoya Rainbow Hall in Nagoya (6-8), and Tokyo International Forum A in Tokyo (10-21). It has been reported that scalpers were charging as much as 30,000 yen (US $300+) per ticket at his Tokyo appearance last year.(8/1)

R.J. Lewis, David Groves, Jamy Ian Swiss, and Todd Robbins appear at Monday Night Magic on Aug. 2 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(8/1)

PENNSYLVANIA: Anne White lectures on the importance of marketing on Tuesday Aug. 3 at 7pm for The Clint Riedel Professional Magicians Club of Lancaster (The Moose Lodge, 132 N. Walter St. in Lancaster). Cost is $10 for non-members. For more information phone: 717-397-2150.(8/1)
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