MT: January 8-14, 2001

VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,106 / Monday – January 8, 2001
Billy McComb, Bruce Cervon, Luna Shemada, Suzanne, Chris Korn, Jeff Martin, Losander, and Nancy Gray appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Jan. 8-14. Fred Hershberger lectures on Sunday Jan. 7.(1/8)

Vic Kirk (Sep. 16, 1942 – Dec. 30, 2000) died at the age of 58 of cancer. Originally from Long Beach, California Kirk was an accomplished and popular magician. To read a tribute by Gerry Griffin and find out more about Kirk click: HERE.(1/8)

Penn & Teller are scheduled to appear on the popular game show Hollywood Squares all this week (Jan. 8-12). The show runs in the east coast every weekday at 7:30pm on CBS-TV. It is syndicated and may appear at different times and on different channels depending on where you live.(1/8)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,107 / Tuesday – January 9, 2001
André Kole, who is without a doubt one of the most creative illusionists you will ever see, continues to tour all over the U.S. with his January dates concentrated in the Texas and Oklahoma areas. You can catch him in Littlefield, TX (Jan. 10 – phone: 806-385-4414), Tulsa, OK (Jan. 12-13 – phone: 918-252-5483), Austin, TX (Jan. 20 – phone: 512-331-5050), Georgetown, TX, (Jan. 21 – phone: 512-930-9040), Houston, TX (Jan. 23 – phone: 281-351-1876), Waco, TX (Jan. 24 – 254-710-3517), and West Plains, MO (Jan. 26 – phone: 417-256-2908).(1/9)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,108 / Wednesday – January 10, 2001
Ajad Konor in an Evening Mail article about his four-month search for a new assistant. It seems that his last one ‘vanished’ (actually left for Bangladesh) in September. This left Konor unable to “place a person’s head in a chopping device or using a power saw on it.” He explained that “After what seems like ages hunting I’ve finally found an assistant who is ideal. …She is called Rani and lives in Newtown, Birmingham, and is really keen on learning the tricks of the trade. We have some shows coming up soon and are in training to put on some spectacular performances.” To read the Jan. 6 Evening Mail story titled “Abracadabra! Search ends in delight for Ajad” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(1/10)

David Blaine was seen cheering during the Knicks vs. Washington Wizard basketball game at Madison Square Garden on Monday. The New York Post described him as “…incognito under a cap and beard, and recuperated from the three days he spent in a block of ice several weeks ago.” To read the Jan. 9 Page Six article titled “Feel The Love” click: HERE.(1/10)

Rafael Benatar performs every Friday and Saturday in January at the ZOA – Magic World in Spain. Shows begin at midnight at (c/Pio Baroja 9) in Madrid. For reservations or information phone: 34-915746959.(1/10)

Lonnie Hanzon who is an artist and designer and who used to be a magician is featured in the Denver Rocky Mountain News. The article explains that, “Lonnie learned magic as a teenager, because the principles of magic are also the principles of design — allusion, illusion and perception… He gave up performing magic, but never the pursuit of magic. It’s just a different form — a visual form.” To read the Jan. 7 article by Betsy Lehndorff titled “Master of illusion” click: HERE.(1/10)

Carmen Electra is scheduled to perform magic when she stars in “Lumiere” at the Aladdin Showroom in Las Vegas. To read the Jan. 9 Page Six, New York Post, article titled “Carmen: Prestidigitator” click: HERE.(1/10)

David Seebach in a non-magic story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel where he is trying to get a pathway cleared of snow — he claims it is a sidewalk and the city claims it is a recreational trail. To read the Jan. 9 story titled “Getting pathway cleared a tricky topic” click: HERE.(1/10)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,109 / Thursday – January 11, 2001
Charles W. Cameron (10/31/1927-1/7/2001) who is commonly referred to as “The Godfather of Bizarre Magik” died on Jan. 7th in Edinburogh, Scotland at the age of 73 from an aneurysm in his stomach. Mr. Cameron was one of the first magicians to incorporate Occult themes into his routines which gave a sense of the macabre. His horror/magic shows in Scotland ran for many years and he wrote a number of books on the subject, the first being “Witches’ Brew” and “Handbook of Horror” which were published by Supreme Magic in England. His most recent book, “Scottish Witches,” published in 1990 by Jarrold Publishing, traces the history of witchcraft in Scotland during the 16th and 17th centuries. Services will be held on Saturday Jan. 13 at 11am at the Warriston Crematorium, in Edinburgh.
–To buy a copy of “Scottish Witches” for £3.96 from Amazon UK click: HERE.(1/11)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,110 / Friday – January 12, 2001
The legendary John Calvert has been named “2001 Magician Of The Year” by S.A.M. Parent Assembly #1 in New York City. The award will be presented on April 28th at 8pm during their annual Salute To Magic show at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center. Joining Calvert on the show will be David Oliver, Jay Sterling, Todd Charles and George Schindler. Tickets are available at $35 per person by phoning Rick Stuart at: 516-826-3660 or e-mail:

Robert K. Miller’s performance on Feb. 9 at the Fox River Grove Memorial Library is discussed in the Daily Herald. To read the Jan. 10 article by Joy Delaere titled “Magician to appear at free library show” click: HERE.(1/12)

Bob Friedhoffer “The Madman of Magic” performs his “The Deception of Perception” educational magic show on Sunday Jan. 14 at 2pm at the Baxter Lecture Hall in Caltech, Pasadena, CA. Admission is by donation at the door. For more information phone: 626-794-3119.(1/12)

CALIFORNIA: Carl Andrews lectures for the Misdirections Magic Shop on Tuesday Jan. 16 at 7:30pm at the Fort Mason Center Building C (Room 370) in San Francisco. For more information phone: 415-566-2180.(1/12)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,111 / Saturday – January 13, 2001
NEVADA: The 24th annual World Magic Seminar takes place on Jan. 14-17 at the Rio Casino Resort in Las Vegas. This year’s guest of honor is Carl Ballantine. Scheduled to appear at the convention are: Siegfried & Roy, Lance Burton, Mark Wilson, Tomsoni & Co., Shimada, Jay Sankey, Henry Evans, Simo Aalto, Alpha, Karl Norman, Derek Scott, The Evasons, The Majestix, Raspyni Brothers, Barrie Richardson, Guy Bavli, Obie O’Brien, Roxanne, Valerie, James Dimmare, Mike Caveney, Billy McComb, Roger Klause, and many others. For more information click: HERE.(1/13)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,112 / Sunday – January 14, 2001
David Sandy will be organizing the magic segment for the Presidential inauguration banquet on Jan. 18 in Washington, D.C. 20 close-up magicians, which have to get security clearances, are scheduled to perform at three different parties. They will perform strolling magic at the Washington Hilton Towers, Pension Building, and at Union Station. In hiring magicians Mr. Sandy looked for, “I wanted variety… I want mind reading, ring tricks, card tricks. I don’t want somebody to be able to say, ‘I saw that five minutes ago.'” To read the Jan. 13 St. Joseph News-Press story by Julie Belschner titled “Local magician conjures up acts for Bush’s inaugural banquet” click: HERE.(1/14)

Howard Posener is mentioned in a USA Today article where his recent star-studded shows and recounted. To read the Jan. 13 story by Kelly Carter titled “The Best parties offer surprises” click: HERE.(1/14)

John “Spider” Webb who performed at the Mishawaka-Penn Public Library is featured in a South Bend Tribune article. To read the Jan. 9 story by Katherine Sanderson titled “Spinner of magic” click: HERE.(1/14)

WEST: John Lovick’s January lectures have him making stops in Tuscon, AZ (Jan. 16), Albuquerque, NM (19), CO Springs, CO (23), Denver, CO (24), Ft. Collins, CO (25), and Salt Lake City, UT (29). For more information check with your local magic clubs or e-mail the Magicians Lecture Network by clicking: HERE.(1/14)
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