MT: February 21-27, 2000

VOLUME: 26 / ISSUE: 784 / Monday – February 21, 2000
The Ricky Jay profile by Mark Singer titled “Secrets of the Magus” which appeared in The New Yorker magazine brought him to the attention of New York high society and helped make his show the most popular in town. If you never read the article this could be your second chance. It is reprinted in the newly released  “Life Stories: Profiles from the New Yorker,” a huge book with a collection of articles from the magazine. It is edited by David Remnick, published by Random House and lists for $26.95.
–To purchase the book for $18.87 from click: HERE.(2/21)

Dimmare, Michael Grasso, Paul Green, John George, Terry Lunceford, Pat-Trick, Lorenzo Clark, and Brandon Scott appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Feb. 21-27. Pat-Trick lectures on Sunday Feb. 27.(2/21)

Randy St. James performs his “Magic for A New Century” at Kutchers Resort, NY (Feb. 22), Villa Roma Resort, NY (23-Early Show), and the Raleigh Hotel, NY (23-Late Show). For more information contact: Hunter Management at 732-600-9896.(2/21)

WISCONSIN: Docc Hilford lectures for S.A.M. Assembly #61 on Tuesday Feb. 22 at 7:30pm at Perkos Lounge (54th and Burnham) in Milwaukee. Lecture is free to members – $10 for non-members.(2/21)


Monday, Feb. 21
Magic and shadow puppets on Zoom on Monday Feb. 21 at 4pm, Feb. 25 at 4pm, and Feb. 27 at 10:30am ET on WNET-TV (US-PBS). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(2/19)
The Geisha Boy -See 2/4.(2/19)
Ricky Jay in Tomorrow Never Dies -See 2/9.(2/19)
VOLUME: 26 / ISSUE: 785 / Tuesday – February 22, 2000
The Feb. 16 issue of the Australian Financial Times reported that the promoters of David Copperfield’s 1996 Australian tour apparently fleeced millions of dollars from 60 investors who were mislead into believing they were 50% partners in the tour. The investors were not made partners. A Federal court hearing began on Feb. 15. The article by Nicholas Reece reported that there are no allegations against Copperfield who was paid around US $60,000 per show.(2/22)

Tuesday, Feb. 22
Salty-Come-Lately/It’s Magic episode of Salty’s Lighthouse on Tuesday Feb. 22 at 9:30am ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(2/20)
Penn & Teller in Light Years -See 2/10.(2/20)
VOLUME: 26 / ISSUE: 786 / Wednesday – February 23, 2000
Lyn Dillies, “The Magic of Lyn,” is featured in the The Providence Journal where she and her two assistants discuss their career and what it takes to be part of a traveling magic show. The article also includes descriptions of some of their illusions. You can catch The Magic of Lyn at the Zeiterion Theater (684 Purchase St.) in New Bedford, MA on Thursday, Feb. 24 at 10am and 12:30pm — tickets are only $5 per person — $6 by phone: 508-994-2900. To read the Feb. 07 article by Mary Murphy supplied by NewsReal click: HERE.(2/23)

Wednesday, Feb. 23
David Copperfield is scheduled to appear on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Wednesday Feb. 23 at 11:35pm ET on NBC-TV (US).(2/21)
The Harry Houdini episode of Mysteries & Scandals with Lance Burton, Penn & Teller, Kenneth Silverman and Sid Radner on Wednesday Feb. 23 at 8:30pm, Feb. 24 at 9:30am and 3:30pm, Feb. 26 at 8:30am, and Feb. 27 at 5:30pm ET on E!-TV (US-cable).(2/21)
Secrets of Street Magicians Finally Revealed on Wednesday Feb. 23 at 9pm ET on FOX-TV (US).(2/21)
VOLUME: 26 / ISSUE: 787 / Thursday – February 24, 2000 
Joaquin Ayala’s show at the Casino du Liban which is scheduled to run through Feb. 27 is reviewed in the Daily Star. To read the Feb. 19 review by Warren Singh-Bartlett click: HERE.(2/24)

CONNECTICUT: The 19th annual NEMCON (New England Magician’s Conference) in North Haven on Saturday Feb. 26 will be honoring Chick Kelman. Featured performers are Michael Finney, Marc DeSouza, Gregory Wilson, and Peter White. All the festivities will be held at the Holiday Inn (201 Washington Avenue [Route 5]) in North Haven, CT. Registration is $60 at the door. For more information phone: 203-265-4118 or e-mail:

Thursday, Feb. 24
The Harry Houdini episode of Mysteries & Scandals -See 2/23.(2/21)
VOLUME: 26 / ISSUE: 788 / Friday – February 25, 2000
Derek Hughes can be seen in the new Wendy’s commercial for their chicken nuggets.(2/25)

ENGLAND: The Blackpool Magicians’ Club 48th Annual Convention titled “Blackpool Millenium 2000” Takes place on Feb. 25-27. It takes place at the Winter Gardens. This is magic’s largest  convention — regularly drawing more than 2,000 attendees.(2/25,26)

ENGLAND: The Convocation, an annual event for Bizarre and Alternative magicians, held on Feb. 26 in Blackpool.(2/25)

Friday, Feb. 25
The Geisha Boy -See 2/4.(2/23)
VOLUME: 26 / ISSUE: 789 / Saturday – February 26, 2000
Bill Schmeelk and his company, Wellington Enterprises, is featured in the Bergen Record. Schmeelk who has been building illusions for David Copperfield,  Doug Henning, Blackstone and many others since 1976 had his workshop and it’s inventory destroyed in September due to storm flooding. The company was rebuilt and began operating again in January. Speaking of technology in magic Schmeelk said, “The funny thing with magic is, we always have to stay one step ahead of what everyone is aware of. We do use a lot of technology in our props, things like computer controls and electronics. But everybody wants the next step up. It’s a constant challenge.” To read the Wednesday Feb. 23 article by David Gowrie click: HERE.(2/26)

The Greg Wilson Show at The American Music Theatre in Lancaster, PA on Sunday Feb. 27 at 3pm.(2/26)

Saturday, Feb. 26
The Harry Houdini episode of Mysteries & Scandals -See 2/23.(2/24)
Ricky Jay in Tomorrow Never Dies -See 2/9.(2/24)
VOLUME: 26 / ISSUE: 790 / Sunday – February 27, 2000
Danny Archer is featured in the Feb. 18 issue of the Wall Street Journal. His career as a “Corporate Conjuror” who performs customized magic, which drives home a message is examined through some examples. We also find out that his real last name is Silverman. The reason he changed it is, “It keeps me in the A’s when things go alphabetically.”(2/27)

Michael Chaut, Jamy Ian Swiss, Rocco, Todd Robbins, Bobby Baxter and Simon Lovell appear at Monday Night Magic on Feb. 28 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(2/27)
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