MT: December 24-31, 2001

VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,456 / Monday – December 24, 2001
Glen David Gold who wrote “Carter Beats The Devil” is interviewed in Newsday where he spoke of his research, “Almost every single magician in literature ends up being a metaphor. Or having supernatural powers. I couldn’t find a book that just treated being a magician like a job. Where you have a cup of coffee and say, ‘OK, I’m going to saw someone in half today differently than I did yesterday.'” Gold also talks about his life and career and how it was similar to some parts of the book. Describing the connection between magic and writing Gold said, “If I was trying to do anything on a literary level with this book, it was to defeat the whole process of the suspension of disbelief. If you say something with a straight enough face, people will follow you a long way. Lying with authority – that’s the connection between writing and magic.” To read the Dec. 23 article by Andrew O’Hehir titled “Talking With Glen David Gold” click: HERE.(12/24)
–To buy the book for only $17.46 click: HERE.

Rick Thomas is featured in this week’s Las Vegas Showbiz where he is called on of Las Vegas’s marvelous entertainment “finds.” He is described as, “Thomas is a versatile performer. At times, he is even funny. Then, moments later, he can become dramatic as he magically disappears and reappears in the audience. Among the many charming moments in his performance is when he invites a youngster to participate in a levitation.” To read the Dec.23-29 article by Hilary L. Green titled “Hocus Pocus” click: HERE.(12/24)

The Pendragons, Arthur Benjamin, George Tovar, Ivan Amodei, Joycee Beck, and Howard Jay appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Dec. 24-30. Rick Fisher lectures on Sunday Dec. 2.(12/24)

Lou Piltz in a Pasadena Star News is reportedly “… mystifying local children and adults with magic. He mostly performs for local schools but also has shown his tricks off at dinners for La Mirada city employees and the Rio Hondo chapter of the American Red Cross. And always for free.” To read the Dec. 23 article by Mike Sprague titled “Ex-councilman not too old to learn new tricks” click: HERE.(12/24)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,457 / Tuesday – December 25, 2001
Membership to the Magic Circle’s Young Magicians’ Club is proposed as a gift for Harry Potter enthusiasts in a Mail on Sunday article. The reason for learning magic according to the article is that “A career in magic can be very rewarding. The world’s best-known professional magician, David Copperfield, earned 36 million last year. High salaries for accomplished illusionists are nothing new the English magician Isaac Fawkes, who died in 1731, left the present- day equivalent of 3.9 million in his will.” Magic Circle president, Michael Bailey, pointed out that “It is the intensive practice, personality and creative presentation of the performer that brings the magic alive and makes it baffling and entertaining.” To read the Dec. 23 article titled “Magicians conjure up fat wallets” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(12/25)

Matthew W. Dickie’s book “Magic and Magicians in the Greco-Roman World” is reviewed in the Los Angeles Times. The book looks at the history of magic (what is perceived as “real” magic) and how it was scene by the times. The book is described as “the fruit of prodigious reading and profound scholarship, yet never bogs down in its own accumulation of facts.” The review concludes, “Magic was also fatally easy to accept. When the limits of scientific logic were quite uncertain, anything became possible… After all, the astrologers are still in business.” To read the Dec. 23 article by Peter Green titled “Hocus-pocus” click: HERE.(12/25)
–To buy the book for only $90.00 click: HERE.

Alain Nu opens for Leon Redbone on Dec. 28-29 at the Rams Head Tavern (33 West Street) in Annapolis, MD. Admission is $24.50 per person and tickets are available by phoning: 410-268-4545.(12/25)

AUSTRALIA: Hank Moorehouse and Richard Pinner are headlining the 26th New Zealand Magician’s Convention at the Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre (Mt. Wellington) in Auckland on Dec. 28-31. For more information click: HERE.(12/25)
Marc Salem with Richard Dreyfuss who attended the Dec. 9 Mind Games, Too show at the Duke in New York City. (Photo: Marc Salem).(12/25)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,458 / Wednesday – December 26, 2001
A speaker company is touting the quality of their product by describing it’s use at Magic Masters in Orlando, “To compete, you need something spectacular to grab the attention of tourists in order to make the sale. That is just what Magic Masters does, by demonstrating and selling their magic tricks, books and kits in a very entertaining manner. Their JBL sound system lets the magic be heard inside and outside of the store.” To read the Dec. 21 press release titled “Magic Masters Draws a Crowd With JBL Speakers” click: HERE.(12/26)

Criss Angel will be receiving the “2001 Magician Of The Year” Merlin Award from Tony Hassini and the International Magician’s Society on Saturday Dec. 29 after the performance of his show “Mindfreak.”(12/26)

CONNECTICUT: Harry Lorayne will be presenting his unique 2 1/2 hour lecture at the 21st annual New England Magician’s Conference (NEMCON) on Saturday Feb. 23, 2002 in North Haven. The one-day convention is one of the largest in the East coast and will also feature lectures and performances by Stephen Bargatze, Chris Capeharte, Tom Jones, Rachel Wild, and Jay Mattioli. Advanced registration is $50 per person and includes all the events. For more information e-mail:
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,459 / Thursday – December 27, 2001
The Society Of American Magicians will be celebrating its 100-year anniversary in 2002 and in honor of the occasion they will hold their annual convention in the city where it all began — New York City on July 3-6. Many surprises are being planned and the exact details have yet to be officially announced, but one thing is for certain, the deadline for the discounted early registration rate of $195 per person expires on Dec. 31 when it will be raised to $225 per person. The convention hotel is the prestigious Hilton New York & Towers and most shows will take place at the historic City Center, which is Manhattan’s first performing arts center. All attendees will also receive a special edition first day of issue Houdini stamp. For more information and registration click: HERE.(12/27)

Penn & Teller perform at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mount Pleasant, MI on Dec. 27 at 7pm. Tickets are $18-$45 per person and are available by clicking: HERE.(12/27)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,460 / Friday – December 28, 2001
John Tudor presents his “The Magic Is In You!”® multi-media magic show on Saturday Dec. 29 at 3pm at the Township Auditorium  in Columbia, SC. The illusion show which teaches positive values to young people will donate a portion of the proceeds to The Red Cross September 11 Relief Fund. The messages stressed in the show include staying in school, staying off drugs, and avoiding violent behaviors. Also scheduled to appear are close-up magicians in the lobby and special guests Walt Hemmingway and Steve Harris. Tudor hopes that in addition to having fun the “students are left with a variety of special lessons to hopefully last a lifetime.” Ticket are $7.50-$10.50per person and are available by phoning: 803-252-6530.(12/28)

Richard Pinner who did a blind-fold drive during the magic convention in Auckland, Australia is interviewed in a One News article. To read the Dec. 27 article titled “Eyes wide shut: driving blindfolded” click: HERE.(12/28)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,461 / Saturday – December 29, 2001
David Blaine’s influence has just gone beyond cultivating a generation of close-up magicians who dream of entertaining strangers on street corners to people who want to freeze themselves in ice cubes. Rabbi Abraham Abraham is trying to outdo David Blaine by staying in a block of ice for 72 hours. According to a New York Post article the “Coney Island rabbi entombed himself in 12 tons of ice yesterday without food or drink, because he claims the current endurance record isn’t kosher.” To read the Dec. 27 article by Mia Goldberg and Maria Alvarez titled “Ice Rabbi Bids To Set Record Straight” click: HERE.(12/29)

Lance Burton and Melinda have both donated personalized Christmas ornaments which are being auctioned off on the web, with proceeds going to their favorite charity. The bidding for the celebrity auction, run by the Venetian, closes on Dec. 31. To view the ornaments and bid click: HERE.(12/29)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,462 / Sunday – December 30, 2001
Jeff McBride and Eugene Burger who have been presenting their Master Classes throughout the United States have announced that they will present special Master Classes in Amsterdam and Belgium in March. The specialized classes which have helped many magicians improve their magic shows and presentational skills are presented over a three day period with the themes: “Achieving Your Magical Dreams,” “Power, Passion and Performance” and “Taking Your Magic to the Next Level.” Attendees are also given an opportunity to perform their act and be given feedback and advise on how to raise the level of their show. Sessions will be given in Amsterdam on Mar. 1-3 and Belgium on March 8-10. The Friday-Sunday classes last from four to eleven hours each. For more information and contact information click: HERE.(12/30)

The Pendragons, Dick Barry, Scott Tokar, Ivan Amodei, Jeff Martin, and Ron Saylor appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Dec. 31-Jan. 6. Dick Barry lectures on Sunday Jan. 6.(12/30)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,463 / Monday – December 31, 2001
The Amazing Johnathan’s appearance at the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Farmington, PA is covered in a Post Gazette article, which encompasses Johnathan’s career from age 9 in Westchester, NY to his current status as Vegas Headliner. A different, softer side of Johnathan is highlighted in the article, a side of him that performs for children. He is quoted, “I am a firm believer that magic is not only entertaining but can boost self-esteem, spur creativity and give true direction in life.” The article also continuously refers to him using his real name, “Johnathan Krackehl” and concludes that “His fast-paced razor and tornado-like approach to magic seems to be making him a legend in his own time.” To read the Dec. 30 article by Dave Zuchowski titled “The Amazing Johnathan brings magic to Nemacolin” click: HERE.(12/31)

Tom Mullica’s “Tribute To Red Skelton” which will be presented on Jan. 5 at the Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA is reported in the Los Angeles Times where Mullica is quoted, “There was only one Red Skelton — and there will always be only one Red Skelton… He’s a show business legend.” To read the Dec. 30 article titled “Return of the Mean Widdle Kid” click: HERE.(12/31)
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