MT: August 24 – 30, 1998

VOLUME: 8 / ISSUE: 238 / Monday – August 24, 1998
Manuel Muerte, Tom Ogden, Michael Forbes, Howard Jay, Victor & Diamond, Larry Wilson & Co, and Brian Jacobs appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Aug. 24-30.(8/24)

“The Story of Magic,” which is unquestionably the best magic documentary to date airs in four one-hour parts this week as part of the “Classroom” series on A&E-TV (US-cable). Centuries of Deception (part 1) airs on Tuesday Aug. 25 at 7am. Centuries of Deception (part 2) airs on Wednesday Aug. 26 at 7am. Mystery in America (part 1) airs on Thursday Aug. 27 at 7am. Mystery in America (part 2) airs on Friday Aug. 28 at 7am ET.(8/24)
VOLUME: 8 / ISSUE: 239 / Tuesday – August 25, 1998 
Johnny Ace Palmer performs close-up magic every Wednesday from 5-7pm at Champion’s Sports Bar and Grill at the Irvine Marriott, 18000 Von Karman, Irvine CA. For more info call: 949-553-0100.(8/25)

Harry Anderson plays, Fat Head, who uses mind control to get even on “Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” on Wednesday Aug. 26 at 6pm ET on TNT-TV(US-cable).(8/25)
VOLUME: 8 / ISSUE: 240 / Wednesday – August 26, 1998
MagicTimes columnist Rich Marotta will be taping a three volume set of video tapes for A-1 Multimedia on Aug. 26-31. The videos will feature his comedy close-up, stage and walk-around magic. They will include a live comedy club and cocktail party performance with a new video process which will add emphasis to the live performances.(8/26)

Gary Bartlett co-produced a segment for “Extra” about the untimely death of Chappy Brazil. It is scheduled to air on Thursday Aug. 27 with Lance Burton. The show is syndicated — check local listings. In NYC it will air on NBC-TV on Thursday at 7pm and again on Friday at 11am.(8/26)
VOLUME: 8 / ISSUE: 241 / Thursday – August 27, 1998
“Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin” is a 1991 made for TV movie where Peter Scolari plays a magician whose charged with murder for a failed illusion airs on Friday Aug. 28 at 10am on UPN-TV (US).(8/27)
VOLUME: 8 / ISSUE: 242 / Friday – August 28, 1998
Earlier this week rumors started circulating as to the demise of “Genii, The Conjuror’s magazine.” Reliable sources have confirmed that the magazine is going through a transition where the most likely outcome will be that it will change hands. Several names have been mentioned as potential buyers but none have been confirmed at this time. More info to follow as it becomes available and confirmed. (8/28)

A magic themed episode of the “Brady Bunch” on Saturday Aug. 29 at 5:30pm ET on NICK-TV (US-cable).(8/28)
VOLUME: 8 / ISSUE: 243 / Saturday – August 29, 1998
David Drake, professional magician, from Totonto, Canada, died of cancer on Monday Aug. 24. He was one of the organizers of the F.F.F.F. convention where he regularly Emceed the shows and wrote the convention reviews for the magic trades. A memorial is being held on Saturday Aug. 29 at 2pm at the Lynett Funeral Home, 3299 Dundas St. West, Toronto.(8/29)

A Magic Flea Market in Muncie, IN is being sponsored by I.B.M. Ring 310. It takes place on Saturday Aug. 29 from noon till 6pm at the U.A.W. Local 287 Union Hall at Springwater Park, 5000 East Centennial. For more info visit their web site by clicking: HERE.(8/29)

A rerun of “World’s Most Dangerous Magic” with Dean Gunnarson, Robert Gallup, the Pendragons, Melinda, Mark Kalin and Ginger, and Gary Kurtz on Sunday Aug. 30 at 7pm ET on NBC-TV (US).(8/29)

The “Extra” episode about Chappy Brazil which was scheduled for Aug. 27 was postponed to Sunday Aug. 30. Reason for the delay — they did not finish editing in time. Check local listings for times and channels.(8/29)
VOLUME: 8 / ISSUE: 244 / Sunday – August 30, 1998
Todd MacDonald, Cuiffo and Hughes, and Todd Robbins appear at Monday Night Magic on Aug. 31 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(8/30)

Steven Seagal, Cheech Marin, John Popper, Super Dave Osborne and Margaret Smith appear on “Penn and Teller’s Sin City Spectacular” on Monday Aug. 31 at 9pm and will be repeated on Sunday Sep. 6 at 10pm ET on FX-TV (US-cable).(8/30)

The Masked Magician appears on a rerun of “Rosie O’Donnell” on Monday Aug. 31 at 10am ET on ABC-TV (US).(8/30)
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