MT: April 27 – May 3, 1998

VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 119 / Monday – April 27, 1998
“World’s Most Dangerous Magic” on NBC-TV (US) on Monday Apr. 27 at 8pm ET.(4/27)

Amazing Jonathan, Live From Vegas, appears on Lounge Lizards on Comedy Central (US-cable-TV) on Monday Apr. 27 6pm and 10pm EST.(4/27)

“Great Magic of Las Vegas I” – See the masked magician (without the mask) on Tuesday Apr. 28 at 5pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(4/27)

Harry Anderson appears on a 1984-85 episode of Saturday Night Live on Tuesday Apr. 28 at 3pm EST on Comedy Central (US-cable-TV).(4/27)

Mr. Lucky & Miss Roxy, Jeff Moche, and Todd Robbins. appear at Monday Night Magic on Apr. 27 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(4/27)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 120 / Tuesday – April 28, 1998
Greg Bordner, owner of Abbott’s Magic, had a heart attack on Friday Apr. 24. He is scheduled for a quadruple bypass on Tuesday Apr. 28. We wish him the best. Cards can be sent to Abbott’s Magic, Colon, MI 49040. (Surgery re-scheduled for Wednesday Apr. 29).(4/28)

Harry Anderson appears on “Night Stand with Dick Dietrick” on Tuesday Apr. 28 at 10:30pm and Wednesday Apr. 29 at 1:30am ET on E!-TV (US-cable).(4/28)

Lance Burton appears on Prime Time Country, Tuesday Apr. 28 at 9pm and Wednesday Apr. 29 at 1am ET on TNN-TV (US-cable).(4/28)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 121 / Wednesday – April 29, 1998
The International Battle of Magicians on Apr. 30 to May 2, in Canton, OH, features Tom Mullica, Christopher Hart, Patrick Page, Jerry Camero, Jonathan David Bass, Rafael Benatar, Chris Mitchel, Enrico Delavega, and Michael P. Lair. For info call: 330-494-2623 or 830-2206.(4/29)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 122 / Thursday – April 30, 1998
Coe Norton, a classic stage manipulator from the 60’s died in Columbia, South Carolina on Apr. 28. He started out as an actor and later added magic to his repertoire, performing on many TV commercials, trade shows, cruises and variety shows.(4/30)
VOLUME: 5 / ISSUE: 123 / Friday – May 1, 1998
Central Illinois Magic Get-Together in Champaign, IL on Saturday May 2. For info call: 217-359-7333 or e-mail:

MagicTimes columnist Rich Marotta and Twila Zone appear on The Statler Brother’s Show, Saturday May 2 at 9pm ET on TNN-TV (US-cable).(5/1)

The Science of Magic, hosted by Harry Anderson and featuring an array of popular magicians, airs on Saturday May 2 at 5pm ET on DSC-TV (US-cable).(5/1)

David Copperfield’s May appearances: Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan (May 1-5), Hong Kong Coliseum, Hong Kong, China (May 8-13), and Blaisdell Concert Hall, Honolulu, Hawaii (May 17-26).(5/1)
VOLUME: 5 / ISSUE: 124 / Saturday – May 2, 1998
Le Grand David Spectacular Magic Company, now in its 22nd year, performs every Sunday in May (Except May 10) at 3pm at the Cabot St. Cinema Theatre in Beverly, MA. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 12. For more info and tickets call: 978-927-3677.(5/2)

Andre Kole loses suit to stop Fox television from airing “Breaking the Magic Code: Magic’s Secrets Finally Revealed,” which explains his ” Table of Death” illusion. Los Angeles County Superior Court judge Robert O’Brien rejected the application for a temporary restraining order on April 29, but set a hearing for May 13 to explore the issues raised in Cole’s claim and determine whether Fox had the right to broadcast it. Cole’s attorney David Baram said he would appeal the decision before the program airs on May 5.(5/2)
VOLUME: 5 / ISSUE: 125 / Sunday – May 3, 1998
The legendary Rene Lavand is performing and lecturing around the East Coast. Catch him if you can. May 4- Baltimore, call: Denny at (410)686-3914. May 7- New Jersey call Eric Dockery at (908)686-7260. May 8 and 9- New York City, call George Silverman (914)623-1194. May 11 and 12- Philadelphia, call Marc DeSouza at: (610)941-4132. May 16 and 17- Boston, call Marcelo Contento at: (617)926-5643. May 19- New Jersey, special show and dinner, call Joe Hernandez (908)904-0763.(5/3)

Happy to report that Greg Bordner is doing well after his triple-bypass and is expected to be released from the hospital by Monday May 4. We wish him a speedy recovery. You can send cards to: Abbott’s Magic, Colon, MI 49040.(5/3)
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