MT: April 13 – 19, 1998

VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 105 / Monday – April 13, 1998
Finn Jon, scheduled to be the opening lecturer at this year’s F.F.F.F. convention has been held over in Germany and will not make it for lecture. The new Wednesday night lecturer will be Guy Hollingworth from England. The lecture is open to F.F.F.F. registrants only, on Wednesday Apr. 22.(4/13)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 106 / Tuesday – April 14, 1998 
Rafael Benatar will be lecturing in the U.S. during the month of April. You can catch him at: Long Island NY, (14) call Bob Elliott 516-692-4047. New Jersey (15) call Al Hillman 732-257-3456. Montreal (16) call Magie Montreal 800-665-3754. Quebec (17) call Jacques Simard. Massachusetts (18) call Magic Art Studio 617-926-3949. Chicago (20 & 21) call Magic Inc. 773-334-2855. Hamilton, Ontario (28), Columbus, OH (29), Pittsburgh, PA (30).(4/14)

Appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, Apr. 13-19 are: Bruce Cervon, Whit Haydn, T.C. Tahoe, Alfonso, Rich Bloch, Martin Lewis, Amos Levkovitch and Aldo Colombini.(4/14)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 107 / Wednesday – April 15, 1998
“The Circus” produced, written, and directed by Charlie Chaplin and featuring a magician airs on Thursday, Apr. 16 at 6:30am on AMC-TV (US-cable).(4/15)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 108 / Thursday – April 16, 1998
S.A.M. Parent Assembly, #1 holds it’s annual Salute To Magic on Saturday Apr. 18 at the Tri-Becca Theater in NYC. The show will feature: Terri Seabrooke, George Sateriale, Patrick Page, Michael Grasso, Mike Snyder & Donna and Vito Lupo. This year’s “Magician of the Year” is: John Bohannon. For tickets contact: Philip Marshall at 201-261-6727 or e-mail him at: Tickets are $27.50 each.(4/16)

Penn & Teller appear at the Hawaii Theater in Honolulu, HI on Apr. 17 and 18.(4/16)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 109 / Friday – April 17, 1998
Juan Tamariz headlines the 10th East Coast Magic Spectacular at the Overbrook Regional High School in Pine Hill, NJ on April 18-19. Also on the bill are: Patrick Page, Pit Hartling, Ali Bongo, Frank Brents, Boris Wild and much more. For information and reservations call: 215-364-8132.(4/17)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 110 / Saturday – April 18, 1998
The Academy of Magical Arts and Sciences announced that Alex Elmsley, Peter Reveen, Roy Walton, Max Maven, Senor Wences, The Morrettes, Rene Lavand, Richard Kaufman and Lance Burton will be the honorees for the 1998 Awards Banquet. Performing on the show will be: Bellamie Blackstone, The Pendragons, Jeff Hobson, Mark Kalin and Jinger and Rene Lavand. The Banquet will be held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles on Apr. 18. For info and reservations call: Suzanne Marcinek at 213-851-3313, ext. 301.(4/18)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 111 / Sunday – April 19, 1998
ONYX is a new quarterly magazine, published by Ken Simmons, devoted to close-up magic with emphasis on cards. It is fast-becoming one of the leading quarterlies. You can find out more by visiting their website at:

Larry Maples, Simon Lovell, and Patrick Page appear at Monday Night Magic on Apr. 20 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(4/19)

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