Ronjo’s Coin Wallet
Ronjo's Coin Wallet product preview. Demonstrated by Meir Yedid.
R.O.P.S. Revolution
Dr. Michael Rubinstein’s R.O.P.S. Revolution product preview.
Brain Bogglers
Meir Yedid’s Brain Bogglers product preview. Demonstrated by Meir Yedid.
Sakkaku Scale Puzzle
Toru Suzuki's Tenyo Sakkaku Scale Puzzle. Demonstrated by Meir Yedid.
Spinnato’s Sweet Prediction
This is a live performance of Ted Bogusta’s Sweet Prediction by Jim Spinnato at his weekly show at Comix Roadhouse @ Mohegan Sun Casino.
Organic Copper Silver Brass
Ted Bogusta’s Organic Copper Silver Brass Set product preview. Demonstrated by Meir Yedid.
Quadruple Spellbound
Simon Aronson's Quadruple Spellbound: Japanese Edition product preview. Demonstrated by Meir Yedid and Simon Aronson.
Demi Deck
Angelo Carbone’s Demi Deck product preview. Demonstrated by Meir Yedid.
Obake Quarter Set
Kreis’ Obake Quarter Set product preview. Demonstrated by Meir Yedid and Jimmy C.
Progressive Bills
Meir Yedid’s Progressive Bills product preview.