Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,286
March 15, 2025
I have known Jim Sisti for decades and what impresses me most about him is that he has been able to earn a living and raise a family doing close-up magic, and restaurant magic in particular. Of course, he also does all kinds of other shows, but close-up magic is his specialty. He has also been able to do that locally instead of being on the road his entire life.
He is best known as the publisher of the long-running magazine The Magic Menu where he published countless routines and essays on the art and business of strolling magic.
He just released a booklet with some of the best routines he uses to earn a living with. These are not pipe dreams but professional caliber pieces that you can earn a living performing. As I often do, I convinced him to autograph all the copies I have.
►Bits & Pieces:
Subtitled as “Assorted Commercial Close-Up Magic” it features some of the best routines that Jim Sisti uses during his professional work. Jim is a professional, full-time magician who specializes in intimate close-up and restaurant magic. He has been earning a living with some of these routines for more than thirty-five years. Best known as the publisher of the long running The Magic Menu magazine, when he speaks working pros listen.
Routines include: Mixed Symbols, Jazzy Transposition 2, Grandpa’s Fruit Knives, Working Professional’s Ambitious Card, Working Professional’s Chop Cup, Working Professional’s Card To Forehead, and Comedy Card In Frame.
Get a copy: HERE
►Mini Pom Pom Stick:
The routine begins with a small aluminum stick, approximately 3″ long, with a long string passing through one end and a short string through the other. A colored pom-pom is attached to each string end.
When you pull the pom-pom on the short string down the pom-pom on the long string goes up. As you pull on different pom-poms, others go up and down in impossible sequences, until your friends are sure that all the strings are attached to each other. That is when you pull the stick apart, proving that there are no connections and what you demonstrated was impossible.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Keys To Magic’s Inner World:
This book is a window into the history of magic collecting in the United States. You will learn about the earliest collectors and collections as they evolved and morphed into the present industry.
You visit the magic museums and private collections of leaders in this fascinating fellowship across America. Many collections occupy only two or three shelves, a few scrapbooks or a drawer in the owner’s home, while others engulf homes, warehouses, and private museums.
Being a collector is mostly the pleasure of hunting and victory! Collectibles have soared in value. This book offers guidance in choices you can’t afford to miss.
The book also includes many new photographs of collections and collectors that have come into existence or expanded in the last quarter of the century.
Watch and buy: HERE
►MARCH 16: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Last week I filmed a live performance of one of my classics that never had a trailer. I hope to share it with you next Saturday. A 5+ minute mentalism routine that works itself! Even Max Maven liked it and contributed to the original instruction booklet.
“It is my feeling that we as performers will be better performers when we can speak with accuracy concerning what we do and why we do it.”
…Jim Buffaloe (Buffaloed, 2024)