#8 – Monday Night Muses [4/11/96]

On April 22nd and on May 6th a new night club in NYC will be featuring a magic night. If those two shows are successful there is a possibility that every other Monday night and eventually every Monday will be a magic night.

Holy Cow is a popular new restaurant at 250 West 86th Street (between Broadway & West End Ave.). They have a downstairs cabaret called the The Udder Club (get it?). The club will seat up to 80 people which is a perfect number for formal close-up magic. The show will start at 8:00pm and will last till approximately 9:30pm. If you plan to come please arrive early. I hear the restaurant is excellent and reasonably priced, if you want to have dinner before the show please arrive no later than 6:45pm. You may call the restaurant for dinner and/or show reservations at (212) 769-0000. The price for the show is $15 per person.

The performers on the 22nd will be Eric DeCamps, Meir Yedid, Peter Kougasian and Michael Chaut. This should be an excellent show. The last time the four of us performed together was about 15 years ago at The Magic Towne House. The above photos were used to promote the shows in the early 80s, we still kinda look like those guys – come and see how much weight we gained and hair we lost since 1981. Our magic sure got better. Word is that on May 6th Imam might be taking Michael Chaut’s place – it might turn out to be a Mostly Magic reunion.

Great news: Bring the coupon below with you and everyone in your party will be allowed in for only $10 each.

Since I layout Harry Lorayne’s Apocalypse I am the first to know what goes into each issue. Now you can have that same information. The May 1996 issue contains: Robert L. Brooks’ Fast And Loose Clover (Chain), Richard Vollmer’s Numero Dos (Cards), Peter Duffie’s Pasteboard Detection (Cards), Martin Nash’s Block HaLo (Cards), Harold Cataquet’s Roll-A-Ball/Squeegee Move (Balls), Doug Edwards’ A Double Lift Is A Double Lift (Cards), and Jose Hernandez’s Midnight Special (Cards). Plus: Ellipses(…).

Here is where I will be. Come by and say hi.
April 12-14 – Booth at Hank Lee’s Cape Cod Conclave in Cape Cod, MA.
April 19 – Attending the Pat Page Lecture at SAM #25, Elmwood Park, NJ.
April 22 and May 6 – Performing at The Udder Club @ Holy Cow, New York City.
April 25-28 – Attending the F.F.F.F. convention in Batavia, NY.

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