Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,234
September 14, 2024
My best-selling item at Magic Live was the new Japanese Edition of Ted Bogusta’s Holesome Coins. It is basically a new method for doing Copper Silver Brass or Two Copper and Silver type of routines.
The more you know about those two routines and how they work, the more likely you will be fooled by this new method, since the coins are seemingly shown on all sides throughout all the sequences, and are dramatically different from each other.
Before the convention I sequenced a three-phase routine (sometimes four) for my demos. It uses Ted’s original ideas but in a slightly different handling. I fooled so many magicians and had lots of fun doing it. When I explained the actual method, they were even more impressed.
This version is extremely easy to learn and when you buy it from me you will get a bonus 15-minute tutorial, by me, where I teach the routine I used at the convention and continue to use for laypeople. Take a look at the routine: HERE
If you purchased this from me at Magic Live, please email me and I will send you the link to my tutorial.
►Holesome Coins:
The basic routine involves three coins. A Japanese coin with a hole in it, a small African coin with a hole in it, and a Walking Liberty silver half dollar. The first phase begins with an impossible single coin transposition, followed by an even more impossible two for one coin transposition, with a final phase where the silver coin jumps back from your pocket, is used to vanish the two other coins, and can be handed out for examination.
The tutorials will teach you many phases and techniques using the version than will be available through other companies, but this Japanese set will include a bonus tutorial that teaches Meir’s routine, as seen in the trailer
Comes complete with a special set of gimmicked coins, matching regular coins, and access to the online video tutorials.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Closeup Connivery Lecture Notes #2:
The second set of lecture notes in the series features close-up routines by Dan and his friends. You will learn magic with safety pins, playing cards, fingerprints, ESP cards, and other recognizable items.
Routines include: Pin-Demonium (Dan Garrett, Han Van Senus), O.H.S. Card Change! (Dan Garrett), Thinkerprint (Michael Weber), Four Card Reiteration (David Williamson, Dan Garrett), Hand Sandwich (Dan Garrett), Rackjobber (Max Maven), The Lateral Palm (Jim Steranko), Flabbergasting Signed Card To Pocket (Dan Garrett), and The Fickle Fingers Of Fong-Chur (Charles J. Pecor).
Get a copy: HERE
It is an impossible routine that can be performed as a stand-alone piece or as part of a longer coin set.
The basic routine involves two coins. A Kennedy Half Dollar, a copper English Penny and a see-through glass plate.
Your friend holds the glass plate between their hands as you balance the two coins on your fingertips. You place your hand with the coins under the plate so all can be seen. In an instant one of the coins penetrates the plate so there is only one coin under the plate while the other is sitting on top of the plate.
Watch and buy: HERE
►OCTOBER 6: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
►NOVEMBER 1: Halloween Magic Review in NY. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: After the convention Craig Petty dedicated an entire review show to the Holesome Coins where he also shared some of his ideas. Take a look: HERE
“Magicians have always liked to use ordinary, everyday objects for their tricks-objects that are familiar to everyone. What could be more familiar to all than coins?”
…IB Permin (Hokus Pokus: Coin Tricks, 1969)