Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,211
June 19, 2024
As the person who popularized finger magic some 45+ years ago I continue to buy and play with anything that is related to hands and fingers… and sometimes toes!
Below you will find a very clever and easy method of doing a finger through playing card routine… much better than the ones I published 35+ years ago.
An easy and quick finger through card and restoration.
You learn two different types of routines. The basic one has you piercing the playing card with your finger or thumb and then immediately restoring it. You get multiple ways of doing this.
You will also learn a more mysterious method where you cover the card with a napkin and then pierce it with your finger, so it goes completely through the napkin and card. You show all sides of the penetration and then do a quick restoration that brings the card back to normal while leaving the napkin pierced.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Wake-Up Callz:
The official description: When an evil entity disguised as a comet approaches Earth with the intent of uploading human memories that were stolen through video games, an agent from Allspace arrives to awaken a team of alien hybrid freedom fighters. Aided by Doctor Dream (The Amazing Kreskin), Kristaya Turner must abort the upload, and stop the Total Takeover of Earth by the Neural Nebula Network, before it’s too late…
Watch and buy: HERE
►Close-Up Connivery DVD:
This DVD features Dan Garrett performing and teaching the real-world, audience-tested routines straight from his working repertoire. All the routines focus on stand-up close-up and walk-around magic that require no tables.
Routines include: Pin-Demonium, Hand Sandwich, Signed Card To Pocket, O.H.S. Card Change, The Mouse That Roared, American Ninja Spellbound, and The Faustus Ring. Also includes explanations, variations, additional phases, and tips.
Watch and buy: HERE
I decided to continue the introductory sale prices on all of Dan Garrett’s magic until I am able to offer you many more of his tricks, books, and lecture notes.
Received a few more of this Tenyo rope routine. When you buy it directly from me you will also receive a video tutorial that runs through it.
►Four Nightmares DX:
This is a beautiful rope routine created by Mr. Suzuki that uses a special set of gaffed ropes. With these ropes and very little effort you will be able to present a routine that you will carry with you for both stage and close-up performances.
This edition features five phases where two unequal ropes stretch to the same size, they are tied together and merge into one rope, a knot is tied in the center and visually slid off, another larger knot is formed and slid off to form a loop, as a finale the loop and rope meld together into one rope.
Watch and buy: HERE
►JULY 14: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Expect some brilliantly made card stuff to appear and be back in the next few weeks.
“Rope magic may be the ideal way for beginners to become acquainted with the basic principles of magic.”
…Karl Fulves (Self-Working Rope Magic, 1990)